The Legistar x OpenCities integration is only available for cities and counties in America.
The Legistar integration is a free module; you just need a Legistar account to use it. Once you have installed the module on a main site, you can configure your Legistar settings.
Configure the Legistar Settings
OC Site Managers and OC System Administrators can configure the Legistar settings in More > Site Management > [main site] > Settings > Legistar. The settings are:
Client name | The name you use for your Legistar account. |
Sync meetings from | Use the date picker to select the date from which you want to sync Legistar content. Pick a past date if you need to include a record of past meetings and documents. |
API token | Add an API token if you need to use it to query data; otherwise, leave this blank. |
Location | The location in your site tree where you want to publish OC Legistar Meeting pages. |
Default Author | The user that you want to set as the default page owner and author. |
Authors must comment upon publishing? | Select this option to make it mandatory for authors to add a comment about their changes before publishing the page. |
Feedback form |
Choose how feedback forms are treated: Disabled: Feedback forms will not show on OC Legistar Meeting pages. Turn on and show on pages by default: The feedback form will automatically be shown on OC Legistar Meeting pages, with the option to turn it off. Turn on but hide on pages by default: The feedback form will not show on OC Legistar Meeting pages, with the option to turn in on. Learn more about user feedback. |
Form to use for feedback? | If you have multiple feedback forms, select one for Legistar pages. |
Page discussions (Community Engagement module – premium) |
Choose how page discussions are treated: Disabled: Page discussions will not show on OC Legistar Meeting pages. Turn on and use site-wide settings: This is the default status for page discussions in Site Management (More > Site Management > your site > Settings > Page Discussions > Site-wide setting). The two settings available are: Turn on and show on pages by default: Page Discussions will automatically be shown on OC Legistar Meeting pages, with the option to turn it off. Turn on but hide on pages by default: Page discussions will not show on OC Legistar Meeting pages, with the option to turn it on. Learn more about page discussions. |
Page subscriptions |
Choose how page subscriptions are treated: Disabled: Page subscriptions will not show on OC Legistar Meeting pages. Turn on and use site-wide setting: This is the default status for page subscriptions in Site Management (More > Site Management > your site > Settings > Subscriptions > Site-wide setting for pages). The two settings available are: Turn on and show on pages by default: Page subscriptions will automatically be shown on OC Legistar Meeting pages, with the option to turn it off. Turn on but hide on pages by default: Page subscriptions will not show on OC Legistar Meeting pages, with the option to turn it on. Learn more about Page subscriptions. |
Enable add to calendar |
Choose whether to show the Add to Calendar setting in the Engagement tab on meeting pages. When Add to Calendar is shown, site visitors can save the meeting to their own external calendar, like Google Calendar or Outlook. Disabled: The Add to Calendar setting won't show in the Engagement tab on meeting pages. Content authors won't be able to turn Add to Calendar on for a meeting. Enable (Show by default): The Add to Calendar setting will show in the Engagement tab on meeting pages. It will be set to show on page by default, so content authors will need to switch it off on an individual meeting page if they want to hide it for that page. Enable (Hide by default): The Add to Calendar setting will show in the Engagement tab on meeting pages. It will be set to hide on the page by default, so content authors will need to switch it on an individual page if they want to show it. |
Save and sync now |
Select Save and sync now to manually and immediately sync your Legistar account with OpenCities. The integration is scheduled to sync every 24 hours at 4:00 am, your local time. This field also shows the time and date of the Last sync and a Sync in progress bar. |
If you have a specific status for canceled meetings, please submit a support ticket. Our team will need to set this so that the status syncs across to OpenCities.
Once you have configured your settings, select Save Settings and Save. Your Legistar account is now connected to your OpenCities site, and you can start syncing OC Legistar Meeting pages and adding meetings to calendars.
Manage OC Legistar Meeting Pages
The integration between Legistar and OpenCities is a one-way sync, so you can only edit content on Legistar. Here's what you need to know about OC Legistar Meeting pages:
- All fields, except for the Page name, are locked in OpenCities. Any edits you want to make must be done in Legistar.
- Any documents, such as meeting minutes and agendas, attached to the meeting page are hosted on Legistar. However, OpenCities search will still index the document's content, so meetings are still discoverable via search. Please note that while sync is immediate, it may take some time to index all the documents attached to the meetings. Additionally, as we don't host the document in OpenCities, if you edit them and need them reindexed so that they're findable in search, you will need to also update a field in Legistar that syncs across and trigger the sync.
- The Meeting summary field is populated by the Notes field in Legistar.
- The Content labels will match your Meeting title, with the spaces replaced by an underscore (_). These labels allow you to filter calendars and lists to show types of meetings. For example, you can set up a combined calendar so that residents can filter between city council and committee meetings by using content labels to list them separately.
- To list meetings, we have created the OC Legistar Listing template for the OC Module Interface content type. This template will list all OC Legistar Meeting pages on your site and allow you to search by keyword or date.