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Create, Edit and Delete Users

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

This task can be undertaken by users with the following roles: OC Site Manager, OC System Administrator, and OC User Manager

All staff members who need access to your site's admin, and all staff members that need to log in to an Intranet, need to have a user account in your OpenCities admin. There are two ways to create users: you can create each one manually, or bulk-import them if you need to add a large number at a time. When creating users (using either method) you'll need to assign them a role, as roles determine the permissions that each person will have.

This article will cover:

Before you get started, however, you first need to know the difference between Admin and Member Management.

  • Admin Management: users added through Admin Management are given roles that have permissions to author or manage content in the site admin. 
  • Member Management: users added through Member Management are given access to password-protected sites, such as Intranets or MyCity, from the front end. Any staff member that needs access to an Intranet, or resident who needs a MyCity account, needs to be given the OC Member role through Member Management.

How to create a user

Before you start creating users, make sure you're working on the correct site by selecting it from the site selection dropdown menu.

  1. From the main menu, go to More > Users.
  2. If you're creating an admin user, select Admin Management from the left-hand menu. If you're creating a user as a member, select Member Management.
  3. Select Create New User. You will need to enter your new user's email address into the Email field then select Next. If they are an existing user on one of your sites, you will be taken to those existing user details to edit them, but if that email isn't attached to an account, you'll be taken to a screen to fill in the user details.
  4. Fill in the user's details, including the roles they need to have.
  5. When you're finished, select Save.


Once their account has been created, the user will automatically be sent an email containing a link to set their password. They will then be able to log in to the site.

What to include for your new user

These are the default fields available for user details:

Field Function
Username The username the staff member will use to log in to the admin or site.
Email The staff member's email address
First name The first name of the staff member
Last name The last name of the staff member
Manager The username of the staff member's manager
Source The source of the user details. If you're creating a user manually, this will stay set to Local, but if you need to change where your user information comes from (if you start using an external user management system, for example) you can use this dropdown to switch over to the new source.
Active Check this box to activate the account. All users need active accounts to use OpenCities.
Roles Select which roles you want to assign to this user, from the list of OpenCities roles and any roles you have created. You can assign multiple roles if you want to.
Default login website Select the default site the user will log into. This is useful if you're adding users that only need to be working on one subsite.
Display visited child pages in the tree for... days When a parent page has many child pages, they will be hidden under a View child pages link in the site tree. Use this field to select how many days it will stay visible in the site tree after the user accesses it.
Language preference for content entry

If your site has a language pack installed, you can choose to set a user's default language for content entry. This affects the language that their authored content is presented in.

For example, if you have set up your site to allow visitors to choose between viewing content in English or Spanish, you can set this user's content to be displayed in Spanish by default.

Street address The street address of the staff member's office
Suburb The suburb of the staff member's office
Postcode The postcode of the staff member's office
Phone The phone number for the staff member

Once the user has been created, you can edit these details at any time.

Edit or delete a user

To edit or delete a user, you need to go through the same user management screen you used to create users.

  1. Go to More > Users, then either Admin Management or Member Management.
  2. Search for the user you need to edit or delete. Select the user from the list to edit their details or select Delete from the cogwheel dropdown menu.
  3. Edit the user's details or roles in the fields available.
  4. When you're finished, Save your change.


You can easily promote member users to admin, by going to More > Users > Member Management then selecting the user from the list, and selecting the Promote button. You can also prompt the user to reset their password. Go to More > Users > Admin or Member Management and hover over the user in the list and select Reset Password from the cogwheel dropdown menu.

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