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About the Initiatives Module

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The Initiatives module is used to showcase the priorities and objectives of your city or council. The module uses the OC Module Interface, OC Initiative, and OC Resource content types to display details of their long-term goals, including initiatives surrounding health, the environment, transport, innovation, the arts, or hospitality.

an initiatives listing page

The initiatives listing is a searchable list of OC Initiative pages on your site. Each entry is listed in the order they're created in the site tree and displays the initiative's title, summary, and image. Two WYSIWYG Editors are also on the listing page for introductory and supplemental content.

Create an Initiative Listing Page

To create a page to list your initiatives:

  1. Right-click in the site tree where you want to create your listing page.
  2. Select Create Page.
  3. Choose the OC Module Interface content type.
  4. Select the OC Initiatives or OC Initiatives - Global template from the Template Name drop-down menu.
  5. Fill out the necessary fields on your listing page.
  6. Save and Publish your page.

template name menu with initiatives template

You can create multiple listings with the OC Initiatives template if you want to show separate initiatives (for individual departments, for example). This template will only apply to any OC Initiative pages that are child pages of the listing page.

Initiative Listing Templates

There are two templates available for the Initiatives listing:

OC Initiatives:

  • Only lists initiative pages that are direct child pages of your listing page
  • Stream layout
  • A search function on the right
  • 2 WYSIWYG content areas
  • Organized sequentially (in order of appearance in the site tree)
an initiatives listing page

OC Initiatives - Global:

  • Lists all initiative pages created on your site, regardless of where they exist in the site tree
  • Stream layout
  • A search function on the right
  • 2 WYSIWYG content areas
  • Organized sequentially (in order of appearance in the site tree)
a global initiatives listing page

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