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About the Departments Module

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The Departments module provides a place to house the information a community needs from a government department, such as contact details, hours, and location details. The module uses a mix of the OC Module Interface content type to create a listing page and the OC Department content type to provide department details.

Department Listing Page

The department listing page provides a place for your community to browse and search for individual departments. Each listing will show the department name, phone number, email address, and summary. The listing page will automatically pull all OC Department pages created site-wide.

Create a Department Listing Page

  1. Right-click in the site tree where you would like to create your department listing page. 
  2. Select Create page.
  3. Choose the OC Module Interface content type.
  4. Select the OC Departments or OC Departments Without Search template from the Template Name drop-down menu.
    Template Name dropdown menu with department options showing on a Module Interface page
  5. Fill out the necessary fields on your listing page. 
  6. Save and Publish your page

Department Module Templates

Two templates are available to list your department pages, one with a search function and one without.

OC Departments:

  • Lists all department pages created on your site, regardless of where they exist in the site tree.
  • 3-column grid layout
  • Search bar along the top
  • 2 WYSIWYG content areas
  • Displays 9 departments per page
A departments listing page with Departments template

OC Departments Without Search:

  • Lists all department pages created on your site, regardless of where they exist in the site tree.
  • 3-column grid layout
  • 2 WYSIWYG content areas
A departments listing page with Departments without search template

Next Steps:

  1. Create an OC Department page
  2. Manage the Department module
  3. See some ideas on how to structure OC Department pages
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