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About the Events Module

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The Events module collects and presents all the event pages created within your site so your community can stay informed about what's happening in your council or city. The events module allows you to create a one-time event or series of events, including images, maps, and comprehensive event details. The Events module also allows your community to send invites and add events to their calendars using the Add to calendar function, which can be managed through the Events module settings.

The module works in four parts: an events listing page, a homepage listing, OC Event pages, and OC Event Location pages

Events Module Listing Page

The Events module uses the OC Module Interface to create a listing page. There are four templates to choose from: OC Events Listing, OC Events Listing Full Width, OC Events Listing Full Width Grid, or OC Events Listing Grid.

The listing page will present all events, starting with the soonest date, and visitors can search events by keyword, date, location, category, and whether or not they are free. For each event, the event title, summary, date, categories, and image (if applicable) will be included in the listing. If the event has multiple dates, the item listing will also display the available dates. We cannot display a date range or a complete list for each event item for usability. Clicking on an event will take you to the event page.

Although past events will be removed from the events listing and homepage listing automatically, they will be available through search or their URL. If you don't want the events to be available once the date has passed, we recommend setting a deactivation date so your past events are no longer available.

Create an Event Listing Page

When we create your site, we will have already created an event listing for you, but if you need to create one yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click in the site tree where you want to create the listing. 
  2. Select Create page.
  3. Choose OC Module Interface as the content type.
  4. Select one of the events templates from the Template Name drop-down menu.
  5. Fill out the necessary fields on the listing page.
  6. Publish the page.

Events listing and event pages in the site tree


Here are some options for your events listing layout:

OC Events Listing:

  • Stream layout
  • Search function on the right
  • 2 WYSIWYG content areas
  • Main page image
  • Displays 10 events per page
Events listing with Events listing template

OC Events Listing Full Width:

  • Stream layout
  • Search bar along the top
  • 2 WYSIWYG content areas
  • Main page image
  • Displays 10 events per page
Events listing with full width template

OC Events Listing Full Width Grid:

  • 3-column grid layout
  • Search bar along the top
  • 2 WYSIWYG content areas
  • Main page image
  • Displays nine events per page
Events listing with full width grid template

OC Events Listing Grid:

  • 2-column grid layout
  • Search function on the right
  • 2 WYSIWYG content areas
  • Main page image
  • Displays 10 events per page
Events listing with grid listing template

Homepage Listing

The Events module also includes a homepage listing, as long as it has been configured in your theme. Your homepage will display the soonest upcoming events in one of your homepage tabs, or in a featured events row. For each event, the event title, summary, date and image (if applicable) will display on your homepage, and the View More Events button will take you to your events listing page.

Note that events without images will not be displayed on your homepage. 

If you'd like to make a particular event stay on the homepage listing regardless of how many events are published, you can pin it to the homepage events row. This is particularly helpful for recurring events and for events you want to highlight. Past events will be removed from the homepage listing and events listing.

We recommend displaying three events in the homepage listing for a better viewing experience on tablet and mobile devices. More than three items at a time create too long of a scroll for users with smaller devices and excessive content for screen readers.

Homepage events listing in a tab

Next Steps:

  1. Create an event page
  2. Import events from Eventbrite
  3. Learn about event templates
  4. Set multiple locations and dates for events
  5. Cancel an event
  6. Manage the Event module settings
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