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Manage the Message Board Module

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

This task is for users with the OC Site Manager or OC System Administrator roles.

You can manage the settings for the Message Board module from Site Management.

  1. From the main menu, go to More > Site Management > your intranet > Settings.
  2. Select Message Board.
    The message board icon in site management
  3. Make your changes
  4. Save your changes.

Settings for the Message Board Module

Location of the listing page

Enter the location of your message board Listing page in the site tree. If you've chosen to show messages on your Homepage, this will be the link used when users click to see more messages.

This is a predictive text field. Start typing the Page name into the field, then select the correct page from the list.

Location of the add message page

Enter the location of your add message page in the site tree. This will be the link used when users want to add a message.

This is a predictive text field. Start typing the Page name into the field, then select the correct page from the list.

Location of the edit message page

Enter the location of your edit message page in the site tree. This will be the link used when users want to edit a previously posted message.

This is a predictive text field. Start typing the Page name into the field, then select the correct page from the list.

Message categories

Add a new category option in the Enter new category field. You can also delete our preset categories or drag them to change their order in the list.

Your visitors can click the categories on a message page to see all messages in that category.

Note: All OC Message pages must specify a category. Deleting a category will remove this information from all OC Message pages that have been assigned that category. This means that you will need to revisit all pages with this category and give them a new category.

Allow staff to post messages to

Choose if users and content authors can select the staff they post messages to:

  • All staff only: Users can only post messages to all staff at once.
  • All staff or selected staff: Users can choose if they post messages to all staff, or select groups of staff based on the Staff can post messages based on field.
Staff can post messages based on

If you selected the All staff or selected staff in the Allow staff to post messages to field, add filters that staff can choose from when posting messages.

These are filters you can add depending on the options available in the User Details Management menu and which options you have for your staff directory.

Create/edit form tooltip Add a popup information bubble next to the Show message to field on the add or edit message page. You can use this field to give more information about who your staff can post messages to.
Authors must comment upon publishing? Select this option to make it mandatory for authors to comment about their changes before publishing the page.
Feedback form

Choose how feedback forms are treated:

Disabled: Feedback forms will not show on message pages.

Turn on and show on pages by default: The feedback form will automatically be shown on OC Message pages, with the option to turn it off.

Turn on but hide on pages by default: The feedback form will not show on OC Message pages, with the option of turning it on.

Learn more about user feedback.

Page discussions

Choose how page discussions are treated:

Disabled: Page discussions will not show on message pages.

Turn on and use site-wide setting: This is the default status for page discussions in Site Management (More > Site Management > your site > Settings > Page Discussions > Site-wide setting). The two settings available are:

Turn on and show on pages by default: Page discussions will automatically be shown on OC Message pages, with the option to turn it off.

Turn on but hide on pages by default: Page discussions will not show on OC Message pages, with the option to turn it on.

Learn more about page discussions.

Note: this setting enables your staff members to comment on posted messages. Setting it to Disabled will remove that capability.

Who moderates

Choose who can moderate comments on these pages:

Turn on and use site-wide setting: This is the default status for moderating comments in Site Management (More > Site Management > your site > Settings > Page Discussions > Who moderates). The two settings available are:

Moderator role and the page owner/author can moderate: Only those with the OC Moderator role or the page owner/ author can moderate comments

Moderator role only: Only those with the OC Moderator role can moderate comments

Who receives notifications

Choose which users will receive notifications when a new comment is posted or reported. Select users from the drop-down and click Add User. You can then choose if they will receive notifications for New Comments, Moderator Reports, or both. The Page Author and Owner will automatically be selected for both.

Learn more about moderator notifications.

Page subscriptions

Choose how page subscriptions are treated:

Disabled: Page subscriptions will not show on message pages.

Turn on and use site-wide setting: This is the default status for page subscriptions in Site Management (More > Site Management > your site > Settings Subscriptions > Site-wide setting for pages). The two settings available are:

Turn on and show on pages by default: Page subscriptions will automatically be shown on OC Message pages, with the option to turn it off.

Turn on but hide on pages by default: Page subscriptions will not show on OC Message pages, with the option to turn it on.

Learn more about Page subscriptions.

Select Who Staff Can Post Messages To

The Staff can post messages based on field, which reflects who staff can select to Show message to when they're creating a message through the Intranet can be adjusted in the Message Board Site Management settings. You can choose or add filters to which staff members can post messages (departments, state, location, etc.). 

  1. To add filter options, go to More > User Details, then add a new field to represent the filter you want to add. The new field will need to be a Combobox (which displays as a drop-down menu), Checkbox, or Radiobutton. Give your field a Display label and add the options you need.
  2. Select Save when you're finished.
  3. Then go to More > Site Management > [your intranet] > Settings > Staff Directory and add these new options to the Staff Details lists (they might be under Primary details or Additional Details, and you don't need to have either Show in directory or Staff can edit checked), then select Save Settings and Close.
  4. Select Message Board from your intranet's Settings tab.
  5. Under the Staff can post messages based on field, select your new filter from the drop-down menu and select Add.
  6. Select Save Settings and Save.

Your staff members can now post messages to message boards based on these filters.

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