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Create Messages Through the Site Tree

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

With the help of your Message Board module, your staff members can create messages through your live Intranet site. As a content author or site manager, you can create message pages using the OC Message content type through the site admin.

message page

Here's how to do it:

  1. In the site tree, right-click on your Message Board listing page.
  2. Select Create Page, and choose OC Message as the content type.
  3. Fill out the necessary fields, then add your message content to the WYSIWYG Editor.
  4. Publish your message.

Your message will be posted to the top of the message board, and staff members in your organization can view it and leave comments.

In the Message Board Site Management settings, the Allow staff to post messages to setting allows you to dictate if staff members can create and post messages to all staff only or specific sections of your organization. If you select All staff or selected staff, you can choose who to post messages to through the Who sees it tab on the OC Message page. If you allow posting messages to All staff only, this tab will not display, and the option will not appear when posting messages through the live site.

What to Include in Your Message

The main feature of an OC Message page is the WYSIWYG Editor, which you will use to create the body content of the message.

template for a message page

Use the following information to fill out the page fields of your OC Message page:

Field Function
Page name Completes the unique page URL
Message title The title of the message that appears on the message board listing and the message page.
Select message categories

The categories associated with the message. These categories are also used as a search filter on the message board listing page.

Note: Site Managers or System Administrators can customize the present options available for message categories before content authors or staff members start posting messages.

Add message image The main image used for the message.
Choose how this content will display on homepage listings

This drop-down menu will give you three options:

  1. Show on homepage listing (default): Messages will show as usual on the homepage listing, determined by the activation date
  2. Pin to homepage listing: The message will be pinned to the homepage listing to show regardless of new messages
  3. Do not show on homepage listing: The message will not display on the homepage listing
Supporting information

Add supporting links

Internal or external links that relate to the message.
Add supporting documents Documents that relate to the message.
Add common search terms people would use when looking for this content Keywords or metadata to boost the message in internal search results
Content labels These labels organize your content internally (i.e., your site visitors won't see the labels). You can make content lists using these content labels.

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