All OpenCities sites are operated through an admin, personalized to each city or council. After we create your site and admin environment, we'll hand it over to your system administrator or site manager, who will be in charge of adding each of your content authors.
If you don't have an account in your admin, you'll need to ask your system admin or site manager to create a user account for you. Once the account is activated, you'll need to set your password.
The OpenCities admin has a session timeout time of 90 minutes. If you are inactive for 90 minutes or more, the admin application will log you out. To ensure you don't lose any unsaved data, you will get a prompt informing you when the session has expired, allowing you to copy any recent or unsaved edits to a location outside of the CMS before you log into your admin again.
Set Your Password
- After the system admin or site manager has created your account, you'll receive an email notification containing a link to the reset password screen.
- The link will take you directly to the Reset Password screen, where you will need to enter your password twice, once into the New Password field, then the same again into the Confirm Password field. Select Set New Password when you're finished.
Once you have set your new password, you'll be able to log into the OpenCities admin and start working on your site.
If you're new to OpenCities, we offer refresher sessions for content authors and site admins, where you can learn more about using OpenCities. Learn more and register for the next available session in Sign up for training sessions.