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Add an Image Gallery to Another Page

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

After you have created and published an OC Image Gallery, it can be used on another page (like a general or landing page). To do this, add it to a page through the WYSIWYG editor

  1. Create or update a page.
  2. Open a WYSIWYG editor.
  3. Place the cursor in the body content area where your image gallery will be inserted.
  4. In the toolbar, select the Insert Image Gallery icon:
    Image gallery icon in text editor toolbar
  5. Find the image gallery from the list or search for the gallery using the search bar. You can also choose image galleries from other sites by changing the site from the Site drop-down menu and choosing a gallery from the list.
    Image gallery selection menu
  6. Select Insert and your gallery will be added to the WYSIWYG editor as a green rectangle.
    Green widget rectangle in content editor
  7. Save your WYSIWYG content.
  8. Publish your page.

Once the page is published, you’ll see the image gallery as a part of that page. Here is an OC Image Gallery added to a full-width OC General page.

Image gallery embedded into a general page

If you edit the original image gallery page, the changes will be updated on the page the gallery is added to. 

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