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Create or Update Top Tasks on Your Site

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

A great city or council website gets site visitors to the most valuable and relevant content as quickly as possible. You want your community to be able to find what they're looking for straight away and not get frustrated if they can't find something. We use top tasks to display valuable and popular content directly on the homepage. Depending on how your theme is created, they're displayed in a tab or as stand-alone top tasks. 

top tasks in the do it online tab

Your top tasks are the first content your community will see when they come to your homepage. It's best used to display frequently visited pages or particular services your users may seek. You can show them where your community will most likely see them on your homepage and navigation menu if you're using a mega-menu. 

See it in action: check out the Do It Online tab on our demo site to see how we've set our Top Tasks.

You can also display different sets of Top Task items across desktop and mobile devices. Often, mobile users will be looking for a different service than desktop users, so you can display specific services or display your services in a different order. 

Before you start, you should find out which pages are popular and which services are frequently used. Here are some tips:

  • Check out the analytics in your OpenCities admin or Google Analytics for insights.
  • Talk to your customer service team about services they receive the most walk-in customers and phone calls for, especially if you want to drive some of this traffic online.
  • Check your CRM software for the most frequently requested support queries.

Display Top Tasks on Your Homepage

The top tasks on the homepage are shown prominently in the Do It Online tab, making them a great way of getting your community the information or service they're looking for. Top tasks need to be created under the Do It Online OC Tab Widget; we will have made the Do It Online tab for you when we build your site.

To create a top task:

  1. In your site tree, expand your Tabs folder. You'll see various OC Tab Widgets we created when building your site.
  2. Right-click on the Do It Online tab widget and select Create Page.
  3. You will be given the option to use OC Top Task and OC Tab Widget as content types. Select OC Top Task as your content type.
  4. Fill out the necessary fields.
  5. Publish your top task.

do it online tab in the site tree

What to Include on Your Top Task

Use the following information to fill out the page fields of your top task:

Field Function
Page name Completes the unique page URL
Task title The name of the task which appears in the list of homepage or navigation top tasks
Enter order to display on desktop (0-99) Select the task position in the list of homepage top tasks on a desktop. Task 0 will appear first.
Enter order to display on mobile and tablet (0-99) Select the task position in the list of homepage top tasks on a mobile or tablet. Task 0 will appear first.
Add link URL The URL of the page the user is taken to when they select the task.
Additional options for top tasks on homepage
Add task summary A brief overview of the task which appears below the Task title on the homepage
Select task icon Choose a pre-made icon to display with the task on the homepage.
Add custom icon

Choose a custom icon to display with the task on your homepage. You can upload icons to the Files Library. We recommend you use a PNG image that is 60 px wide. The OpenCities team can help you configure custom icons.

If you add a task icon AND a custom icon, your site will show the custom icon.

Note: If you use custom icons, you cannot display different icons upon hover. 

Choose an Icon to Show on Hover or Focus

This task is for users with the OC Site Designer role.

We recommend that anyone attempting this task has front-end developer experience. If you want a different icon to appear when a user hovers over or focuses on a homepage top task:

  1. Follow the steps to configure homepage top task icons.
  2. In your OC Top Task page, choose an icon in the Select task icon drop-down menu.
    Don't set a custom icon.
  3. Add custom CSS and Javascript to a theme to select the icon to show on hover or focus.

Please note that when using custom icons, you cannot choose an icon to display upon hovering.

Top Tasks in the Navigation Menu

Navigation menu top tasks are prominent, styled links in your site's main navigation menu. Top tasks in your navigation menu are best suited for mega menus. These work just like the top tasks on the homepage to direct visitors to popular pages on your site. Because these links are in the navigation menu, they're available from any page on your site. 

top tasks on a mega menu

Mega menus and navigation top tasks must be enabled and styled in your theme. We recommend a complete consultation process; please submit a ticket to get started if you want to implement a mega menu. 

Want to learn more about navigation menus and top tasks? Consult our best practice article for advice.

Add Top Tasks to Your Navigation Menu

Once navigation top tasks have been enabled in your theme, you can add top task items to each first-level page in your navigation menu. For example, you might have "Council" as a first-level item in your site tree and want to direct your community to a popular service within that section, such as "Volunteer for Council."

navigation top tasks in the site tree

To create a navigation top task item:

  1. Right-click on the first-level page in your site tree and select Create Page. Following the example above, you would create a page under "Council."
  2. Select OC Top Tasks Folder as the content type. If you don't see this option, you may have to add the OC Top Tasks Folder and OC Top Tasks content types in your first-level item's Child Pages Permissions.
  3. Fill out the Page name and Display name fields for the top tasks folder. The Display name will appear as a heading above the links in your navigation menu. If you don't want to display a heading, check Yes, hide under Visually hide display name (Will still be read out by screen readers for accessibility purposes).
  4. Publish the top tasks folder page. Now, you can create the top task item.
  5. Right-click on the top tasks folder you've just created and select Create Page.
  6. Select OC Top Task as the content type and fill out the necessary fields. Please note that a summary and icon will not display in your navigation top tasks, so there is no need to complete anything under the Additional options for top tasks on homepage drop-down menu.
  7. Publish your top task item.
  8. Repeat steps 5-7 for each top task item you want to display.

Show Different Top Tasks on Desktop and Mobile

Your community members often have different needs when they're at home and using a desktop device (say, applying for jobs or registering pets) compared to when they're out and might be using a mobile device (say, reporting graffiti or potholes). So, it makes sense to show a different set of top tasks for each context.

For each of your top tasks, you need to add a number (0-99) in the Enter order to display on desktop and the Enter order to display on mobile and tablet fields that reflect where you want the task to appear for each device type. The lowest number (0) will appear first, so you can control which devices will display which top tasks.

For example, if you have a "Report a pothole" service that you want to show for mobile and tablet but not desktop, you might give it a 0 for mobile and tablet and a 30 for desktop. If you've only set 8 top tasks to show on desktop – and you have 8 other tasks with numbers lower than 30 – it won't show there at all.

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