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Form Overview Tab Settings

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

This legacy form-building tool will not be supported or updated in a future product release. For a fully supported form-building tool, we recommend using OpenForms. For more information on OpenForms, see Use OpenForms with OpenCities and the OpenForms help center.

The Overview tab is divided into sections for each configuration element of the Form.

The top general information section sets the form Name, Short description, Form template, System form, Use captcha, and Unique receipt prefix. Expand the other sections by clicking the arrow at the end of the relevant field to set other form behavior options.

General Form Information

the form overview tab

General Information Field Descriptions

  Field Function/Display
1 Name The form name that will appear in the Form selection listings in admin
2 Short description Information for other content authors about the form e.g., form context or the pages it is displayed on. This is only displayed in admin for content authors as part of the form settings (not in the life environment)
3 Form template Assign a form template to determine the display form fields
4 System form Used for Custom Control Forms to prevent changes from Users without appropriate permissions (DO NOT USE)
5 Use captcha A security method that displays Captcha code at the end of the form which needs to be replicated by the respondent before the form can be submitted. If selected, a validation message field will appear to prompt the respondent to fill in the Captcha before the submission is actioned. 
6 Unique receipt prefix Unique value for the receipt of a form. Up to 4 characters can be set with the unique receipt number generated automatically, e.g., "RECP" XXXX

Result Processing

Determines how the submitted results are handled. Result data can be stored in a database accessed via the Reporting tab for analysis or export or sent to a nominated email address. The result processing section

Field Descriptions

  Field Function/Display
1 Store results in database Select to have submitted results stored in the results database
2 Email form results Check Yes to email results and open the Email recipients fields
3 Email recipients Nominate results to be emailed to the Last Editor or Page Owner relevant to the page the form resides on. Other email addresses can be entered into the list of recipients by inserting them in the Add another email recipient field and clicking + to generate a list of response recipients. Selecting a set address and clicking Remove Email deletes the respondent from the list.
4 Attach submitted files If an upload file input type is included in the form, files uploaded to the form response are included in the email response.
5 Email template Configure the body content of the email to the recipients. See Creating Email/Message Templates for Forms.
6 External URL

Allows the results to be sent to an external application. Note: Compatible applications must receive the form response object as serialized as XML data.

Authenticated User Options

Determines when and how many times the form can be filled in.

The Requires completion of drop-down lists all the web forms available in the form builder which can be selected as a required form for submission before the current form is available for submission. If this is applied, the Validation message text area needs to be completed to advise the recipient that they need to fill in another form before the results from this form will be accepted.

The Can be completed drop-down determines if the form can be filled in Once or Multiple times by the respondent's IP.

The authenticated user options


This section controls what action is taken after the respondent has submitted the form. Three options are available.

The submission configuration options

Option 1 is not mandatory, but can be configured to send an email to the respondent confirming the submission has been received.

Set the From email to display the email address the response email has been sent from, e.g., noreply@mycouncil.com.  

The Email subject can include chosen text but should identify the name of the form submitted.

Configure the Autoresponder message to include an overview of the results submitted by the respondent, and used as a record of the submission.  Note: If this option is activated, a Text Box assigned as the Respondents Email address needs to be setup as a form field.

It is compulsory to select either Option 2 or Option 3 to display confirmation to the respondent that the form has been submitted.  

Either choose to Show thank-you message and set a message to display (using a message template) or choose to redirect the respondent to another URL or thank-you page after the form has been submitted.

Once you have completed in the form Overview, click Save and the Edit Form and Reporting tabs will appear.

A completed form after saving

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