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How OpenCities works

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

Watch these slides to understand how a page in OpenCities is composed and how the individual components relate to each other:

OpenCities templates use a lightweight, fluid, mobile-first grid framework to control the layout between different breakpoints. They also use a collection of OpenCities and third-party plugins to provide website users with the best experience on all devices.

Things you see on other OpenCities sites (including our demo site, Point Russell) may use custom themes, CSS, and other components. Feel free to create your own custom components, but you'll be charged more if you need our help to maintain themDon't forget, you can still create a beautiful site using only pre-built OpenCities components.

All OpenCities components have an OC prefix. These components are locked, so you can’t edit them. However, some configurations of certain OpenCities components are unlocked for you to edit. Because of this, OC is a reserved prefix. You won’t be able to create any components with an OC prefix, and you don’t have to use a specific prefix for any of your custom-build components.

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