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Using the Main Menu

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The main menu is the menu that runs along the top of the OpenCities admin. You can view it from all admin areas, and you can use it to access all sections of your admin and any other OpenCities sites you have.

The main menu in admin

The following navigation options are available from the main menu:

Site Picker

The site picker drop-down menu

In the top left corner of your main menu, you'll see the name of the site you're currently working on. If you have multiple sites, you can use the drop-down menu to navigate between your site, subsites, or your Intranet.

Changing sites will affect what content you see – each site will have a different site tree, files library, and other admin options such as user lists. The Dashboard for each site will also be different, as you'll have different shortcuts and content.


The dashboard icon in main menu

The Dashboard gives you access to content without using the site tree or files library. You can search for content, create pages through shortcuts, or see lists of content specific to you.


The pages icon in main menu

In the Pages section, you'll find a site tree of all the content for that site and a search function. Through the site tree, you can create and edit pages and, depending on your permissions, move, copy, delete, or archive pages.


The files icon in main menu

Use this option to access the Files Library for the site you're working in or the shared files available across all sites. The Files Library uses folders to organize files, which you can navigate to create, update, copy, or archive files.


The forms icon in main menu

The Forms section allows you to build custom forms to collect, analyze, and export data collected from website visitors. These can be standard forms or OpenForms


The approvals icon in main menu

Content submitted into workflows for review appears in the approvals section.

Workflow approvers are directed to this area to preview content, provide comments, and action (approve or reject) content before publication.

View Site

The view site icon in main menu

Use this button to open the site's homepage you're working on in a new browser window.


The more icon in main menu

The More menu contains various administrator tools for high-level website settings and configuration. Options available vary depending on your user role or page permissions.

Most of the features in this section have their own help topic. For example, search workflow or Site Management to learn more about these sections of the More menu. 


The logout icon in main menu

Use this button to log out of your admin and return to the login screen.


a notification below the main menu in admin

The notifications icon at the end of the main menu displays user action messages, confirming success in green, a warning in yellow, or an error in red relative to the last action performed.

For example, when you publish or update a page, you'll get a confirmation message here in green.

You can remove notifications by clicking on the x or display them by clicking on the action number.

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