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About the Jobs Module

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The Jobs module gives your community a place to browse job vacancies. Using the OC Module Interface and the OC Job content types, you can easily create a complete job listing and advertise any job vacancies in your council or city.

Jobs listing page

The listing page gathers all OC Job pages created throughout your site (although we recommend creating them as child pages of your job listing page), presenting them in an alphabetical stream layout. It will list the job title, summary, closing date, and job type. The job template has two WYSIWYG Editors to which you can add introductory or supplemental content.

The listing page also has a search function, allowing your community to search by keyword or job type.

Create a Job Listings Page

  1. Right-click in the site tree where you want to create the listing.
  2. Select Create page.
  3. Choose OC Module Interface as the content type.
  4. Select OC Jobs from the Template Name drop-down menu.
  5. Fill out the necessary fields on the listing page.
  6. Publish the page.

Module Interface page with OC Jobs template

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