OC Job pages are great for advertising job vacancies within your council or city.
The content type has several useful built-in fields, which you can use to advertise the job's specifics. An OC Job page will take some of the information you enter and pull it into an overview table, which will be displayed at the top. Moreover, it allows you to add job application links to the page's right-hand column.
There is also a WYSIWYG Editor to provide a detailed description of the advertised position.
How to Create an OC Job Page
- Right-click in the site tree where you want to create the page. We recommend creating all your OC Job pages under your listing page to make finding and updating them easier.
- Choose Create page.
- Select OC Job as the content type.
- Fill out the necessary fields on the page.
- Add the position description in the WYSIWYG Editor.
- Publish the page.
What to Include on Your OC Job Page
Field | Function |
Page name | Completes the unique page URL |
Position title | The title of the job, displayed in search results, listing pages and at the top of the job page |
Add position summary | A brief overview of the job for the listing page and search results |
Select a job type | The job type for the position. We have preconfigured the following options, but you can edit these from the Jobs module settings: Full Time, Part Time, Casual, Contract (Long Term), or Contract (Short Term) |
Application closing date & time | The time and date that applications close for the job |
Position reference number | An internal reference number for the job |
Package summary (e.g. salary, hourly rate) | The package which the job entails. This can include the salary or hourly rate or any benefits which come with the job |
Position description document | Upload a position description document here (maximum one file) |
Application button text & link |
Add a Call-to-action button to prompt job applications Note: these links present in the right column of the page, however, they will fall to the bottom of the page when viewed on mobile devices. |
Supporting information | |
Additional side panels |
Add additional side panel content using a WYSIWYG Editor. Use the field provided to name the panel and the edit button to open the WYSIWYG Editor. Note: on mobile devices, side panels will fall to the bottom of the page below the WYSIWYG content |
Add supporting links | Any external or internal related links |
Add supporting documents | Any other documentation related to the position |
Add common search terms people would use when looking for this job | Keywords or metadata to boost the job page in search results |
Content labels | These labels organize your content internally (i.e., your site visitors won't see your labels). You can also use these labels to make content lists. |