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Insert Forms in Pages

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

You can insert a form you've created into the body content area of a page. The process differs depending on whether you use standard forms or OpenForms forms.

Insert a Standard Form on a Page

Open the WYSIWYG editor for the page in which you want to insert the form. Position your cursor wherever you want the form to appear, click the Insert Form icon, and choose your form from the list. It will appear in the WYSIWYG area.

the insert form icon

Save and preview the page to see how the form looks alongside other page elements.

Please note that standard forms are a legacy form-building tool and will not be supported or updated in a future product release. For a fully supported form-building tool, we recommend using OpenForms. For more information on OpenForms, see Use OpenForms with OpenCities and the OpenForms help center.

Insert an OpenForms Form on a Page

The process differs depending on whether you've connected your OpenForms account to OpenCities.

If You've Connected Your OpenForms Account to OpenCities

Open the WYSIWYG editor for the page in which you want to insert the form. Position your cursor wherever you want the form to appear, click the Insert OpenForms icon, and choose your form from the list. It will appear in the WYSIWYG area.

 the insert open form icon

Save and preview the page to see how the form looks alongside other page elements.

If You Haven't Connected Your OpenForms Account to OpenCities

In OpenForms, go to the Settings tab within the form you want to insert and select Print and embed. Copy the embed code.

an example of an open form embed code

In OpenCities, open the WYSIWYG editor for the page where you want to insert the form, and use the Paste HTML option to paste the form where you want it to appear. You can also paste it directly into the HTML tab of the WYSIWYG Editor.

Save and preview the page to see how the form looks alongside other page elements.

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