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Share your ideas about OpenCities

avatar of OpenCities Product Team

OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

As regular users of OpenCities, your valuable insights can produce some of the best ideas for the future of the product. You can tell us what's working well within the product, what isn't working as well, and any critical gaps we could potentially fill in future releases.

Key contacts from each organization can share these ideas is in the community forum. You can find it by selecting Share Your Ideas from the homepage of our help center. Posting in here allows others to support your ideas and comment on them. You can also use the community forum to browse others' suggestions and comment on or upvote them. 

posts in the community forum

If we can see that an idea is popular or valuable, we'll move it into our product roadmap. After some in-depth consultation with our team and other OpenCities users, we may schedule it for development.

You can also view your community contributions in the My Activities section, which you can reach by following the link next to your username in the help center header. Under Contributions, you can see your posts and comments in two different lists:

Selecting a post or comment from this list will open it if you want to edit or delete it. 

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