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Create an OC A-Z Item Page

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The OC A-Z Item content type is designed for use on a listing page to create an A-Z index of search terms to make it easier for your community to find popular pages. An A-Z item acts as a redirect so your community can access important pages through multiple names. An OC A-Z Item page must be created for every entry you include in the directory.

2 entries under the a-z directory

For example, while you may have a page on your site titled "Waste Collection," community members may use terms such as "Trash," "Rubbish," or "Bins." Creating an A-Z Item for each of these terms lets your community find the "Waste Collection" page even if they're looking for "Rubbish."

How to Create an OC A-Z Item Page

  1. Right-click in your site tree where you would like to create the page. To keep your site tree organized, we recommend creating all A-Z items under the A-Z Directory page.
    A-Z directory in the site tree
  2. Select Create Page.
  3. Choose OC A-Z Item as the content type.
  4. Fill in the necessary fields.
  5. Publish your page.

What to Include on Your A-Z Item Page

Use the following information to fill out the fields of your A-Z Item page:

Field Function
Page name Completes the unique page URL
A to Z title The title of the page. The first letter determines the letter that this entry will appear under in the A-Z Directory.
Add A to Z summary A brief overview of the linked content. This will appear in the entry for the A-Z Directory and search results.
Add link URL

The page to which the entry will redirect.

Use the Insert links option to link to internal pages by selecting that page through the content selection menu. 

You can also insert external links by pasting the URL into the Link URL field.

What Next?

  1. Learn more about the A-Z Directory module
  2. Manage the A-Z Directory module
  3. Learn about other directories, such as the Document Library module and the Services module
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