In the Files Library, you can configure various settings for your files to make them behave as you like. There are four different tabs that you can use to customize your files:
Before configuring your files, they must be uploaded in WIP (work-in-progress) status. Navigate to the file in your Files Library and select Update if it is published.
The Overview Tab
The Overview tab allows you to change the basic settings of the file and shows you the size of the file.
Field or button | Function |
File name |
The name of the file. When you first upload a file, this will match its file name on your computer. Give your files descriptive names so they’re easy to identify and find when inserting them on pages.
You can’t use any of the following characters in OpenCities file names: / \ : * ? " < > | ~ ` ! @ # $ ^ & * ( ) + = { } ’ ; , There’s a 260-character limit on file names, including the file extension (e.g., ".jpg" and ".png"). |
File description | The File description will be used as the alt text of the file unless you change it as you're inserting the file to a page. Although this is not a required field, we recommend setting a File description as you go so you can meet accessibility requirements. |
What is the purpose of this content (document and image files only) |
An overview of the file's content. This overview appears in content lists. |
Media transcript (Audio and video files only) |
A transcript of the audio or video file. This helps improve your site's accessibility. This transcript does not appear on the live page, if you want a transcript on the page you will need to upload it as a separate document. |
Supporting information | |
Content labels | These labels organize your content internally (i.e., your site visitors won’t see the labels). You can make content lists using these labels. |
Sidebar (Document and image files only) |
Re-Upload | Upload a new version of the file. You can still access the old version in the History tab. |
Edit Image (Image files only) |
Open the Image Editor, where you can edit the image itself. |
The Settings Tab
The Settings tab lets you schedule your file to publish and hide it from searches.
Field | Function |
Hide from search |
Checkout Date | The time and date that this file was last checked out to a user. If the Checkout Date is "None," the file has never been checked out to anyone. |
Schedule | Use these fields to schedule a date and time to publish, review, or deactivate a file. |
The Link Tab
The Link tab displays all the pages and their page versions on your site to which the file is linked. You cannot archive or delete the file if the file is linked to any pages.
You can select pages from the list and go to that page's admin. From here, you can remove any links to the file.
Please note that you'll need to Roll back all page versions that the file is linked to before you can break the link.
The History Tab
The History tab lists all previously saved versions of the file. You can click on an old version to see it. Select Roll Back to unpublish the current version and Update > Publish to re-publish an old version.
File Library Buttons
You use several buttons in the Files Library to complete tasks.
This moves your page into WIP (work-in-progress) status. You'll need to Update any publishing files before you can make any changes. |
You'll see this button when a WIP file is checked out to another user. You'll need to press it before you can see the Check Out option. |
Press Check Out to start editing a file yourself. Save when you’re done, then press Check In so other users can edit it. | |
When you Update a file, the file is checked out to you. Press Check In to check the work-in-progress file back in, so another user can check it out and edit it. | |
Add the file to your bookmarks. You see your bookmarks on the Dashboard. | |
Preview the file. You’ll need to Save any changes before you can Preview. |
Save your file. This will not publish anything. | |
Get your content reviewed by external reviewers. | |
Submit your file to the next stage of its workflow. Usually, this means that your workflow approver will review it if you have an approval or deletion workflow set up. This means the file will not be live until it has been reviewed in the workflow. | |
Publish your file. If you don’t see this button, use Submit instead. | |
Unpublish a version of a file. The file will still be saved, but it won’t appear on your live site. If previous versions of the file are published, they will be live on any pages linked to this file. If you Roll Back a version, ensure you check your History tab so you know if any previous versions are still active. | |
Delete this version of the file. If previous versions of the file are published, they will be live on any pages linked to this file. You cannot delete a file entirely until all versions are deleted. |