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Action content in a workflow

avatar of Julie


Last updated

Once a page has been submitted to a workflow, it must be actioned by a reviewer. When a page has been submitted to a workflow, the status of the page will change to show this.

A page with a status indicating it is in a workflow

There are 2 ways to action content that is going through a workflow. Firstly, workflows can be set to send out email notifications that contain links to the page. Comments, edits, approvals, and rejections can be made from these links. 

The other way to action content going through a workflow is to go through the Approvals section of your OC admin. This option is found in the main menu.

The Approvals menu with a page in workflow

This will take you to a similar screen as the Workflows menu. Existing workflows are found in the left-hand menu, under an Approvals and Deletion stages option. The pages under review will be displayed alongside a field for comments. Content is split into the different workflow stages and can be actioned in bulk from the listing or individually by clicking the linked Page Name to view the content of the page in full.

Clicking on the page will take you to an admin page from which you can Preview, Approve or Reject the content. 

The preview, approve and reject buttons in the page admin

If the page is ready, select Approve on the bottom-right of the page. You will be given the option of leaving comments for the page author. Once you hit submit, the page will go live and the content author will be notified that their page has been published.

If the page needs work, select the Reject button and include any feedback for the author. The page will go back to a WIP and the content author will need to resubmit the page to the workflow after they've made their edits.

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