The My Area module helps your community search for their address and find out what's happening in their area. By searching their address, they can find out about events, parks, and venues in their area and learn about waste collections and elected officials.
Create a My Area Page
We will have set up a My Area page for you when we set up your site, but if you need to recreate it:
- Right-click in the site tree where you want to create the page. If you want to create it on the top level of your site, right-click at the top of the site tree, where it shows the site's name.
- Select Create Page.
- Choose OC Module Interface as the content type.
- Select OC My Area from the Template Name drop-down menu.
- Fill out the necessary fields on the listing page.
- Publish the page.
What to Include on Your My Area Page
Field | Function |
Page name | Completes the unique page URL |
Page title | The title displayed at the top of the page and in menus |
What is the purpose of this page? | A brief overview of the My Area page for search results and landing pages |
Title of module content area (if used) | A title to display above the secondary WYSIWYG content area. This will only display if you have added content to the secondary WYSIWYG Editor. |
Add image | An image which displays on any landing pages. This image will not display on the My Area page |
Show image on details page |
Check this box to make the image display on the My Area page as well as any landing pages. Note: this function is currently not available |
Supporting information | |
Add common search terms people would use when looking for this content | Keywords or metadata to boost the page in search results |
Content labels | These labels organize your content internally (i.e., your site visitors won't see the labels). You can make content lists using these labels. |
Like any page on your site, you can set the Page name and Page title of your My Area page to a title of your liking (e.g., "My Neighbourhood," "What's happening," "In my area," etc.).
There are two WYSIWYGs on the My Area page. The top one is for you to introduce the page and provide instructions on using the module, while the bottom is a special module content area. This is where you can include content about your area that isn't covered by the map, waste collection details, and elected official details. This content will stay the same no matter what address a user searches for, so make sure it's relevant to the entire city or council. It will also display in an emphasis box.
Here are some ideas for what to include in the module content area:
- Waste collection details for public holidays (See a demo)
- Information about waste collection disruptions
- Election dates
If you're using the module content area, fill in the Title of module content area field. If you're not using it, you can leave this field blank.
What Next?
After you've set up your My Area page, you'll need to set up the waste collection data, create your elected official pages, and customize your My Area map.