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Using the homepage tabs

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

A large part of your homepage content lives in the homepage tabs. This structure allows you to showcase a few different types of content that might interest your community. The homepage tabs use the OC Tab Widget content type to help build your tabs. This content type comes with various pre-made templates, which you can use to list different types of content.

example of homepage tabs

When we build your site, you'll have the option to include 3 default homepage tabs. Most often, if your theme contains tabs, people will select these defaults:

  • Do It Online: links to your Top Tasks
  • Latest News: your most recently published or pinned news articles
  • Upcoming Events: your soonest upcoming or pinned events

You'll find these tabs in your site tree, under your homepage.

tabs in the site tree

You can add more tabs, but we recommend having 3 tabs to best fit the space available on your homepage and to keep it as concise as possible. However, you may find a fourth tab useful to display consultations using a template or upcoming projects using a content list in the WYSIWYG Editor. Tabs will show on your site in the order that they appear on your site tree. 

Add a tab to your homepage

To add another tab to your homepage:

  1. Right-click on the Tabs folder in your site tree and select Create Page
  2. The system will automatically create a new page with the OC Tab Widget content type.
  3. Fill out the necessary fields.
  4. Select a template for your tab from the Template Name dropdown menu.
  5. Publish the page.

the page fields of the tab widget

What to include on your tab widget

The main composition of the tab widgets comes from the template you select. However, there are a couple of fields you need to fill.

Field Function
Page name Completes the unique page URL

Tab Label

The title of the tab displayed on your homepage
CSS Classes
Note: this is a legacy field.
Display Settings
Maximum number of items to display on listings Select the number of items that will display on the listing. We recommend showing 3 items, so your tabs do not take up too much room. All templates include a 'view more' button, which will take the user to the complete listing for that content type.
CSS Class Name

Add a CSS Class to be applied to this tab. Add the CSS class to your theme to apply additional styling.

Note: templates other than the OC Default template will apply their own styling.

OC Tab Widget pages also include 2 WYSIWYG Editors, one that sits above the listing and one that sits below the listing. You can use these to add additional information or create your own content list using the default template. You will need to create a content list for any content type listing that does not have a template. 

the tab widget editor dropdown menu

Tab Widget templates

The main content of your tab depends on the template you choose. Each of the pre-made templates includes a content list that lists popular content types for homepage listings.

OC Default This is a blank template for when you want to build the content of your tab using the WYSIWYG Editor.
OC Homepage Consultation Listing Lists the ongoing or pinned OC Consultation pages on your site. Displays the title, image, and summary.
OC Homepage Development Application Listing Lists the ongoing or pinned OC Development Application pages on your site. Displays the title, image, and summary.
OC Homepage Elected Officials Listing Lists the OC Elected Officials pages of your site. This will list the designated Mayor first, then the order of pages in the site tree. Displays the name, position title, and image of the elected official.
OC Homepage Events Listing Lists the soonest upcoming or pinned OC Event pages on your site. Displays the title, summary, date, and image of the event.
OC Homepage Events Listing Without Image Lists the soonest upcoming or pinned OC Event pages on your site. Displays the title, summary, and date of the event.
OC Homepage News Listing Lists the most recently published or pinned OC News Article pages on your site. Displays the title, image, summary, and publish date of the article.
OC Homepage News Listing Without Image Lists the most recently published or pinned OC News Article pages on your site. Displays the title, summary, and publish date of the article.
OC Homepage Public Notices Listing Lists the most recently published or pinned OC Public Notice page on your site. Displays the title, summary, and display date of the notice.
OC Homepage Top Task Lists all the OC Top Task pages on your site.
OC Homepage Top Task Relative Lists all the OC Top Task pages that are child pages of the tab widget. Use this option if you have different top tasks on your homepage than in your mega menu.

Please note that, by default, images on tab content lists will display as usual when viewed on a desktop, but not when viewed on a mobile device. This improves the user's experience when viewing your site, and gives you more screen space to add the content that's important.

Pin or hide content on the homepage

The homepage tab templates are used to list popular content types. You can pin some content types to the homepage or hide them, so they don't display on the homepage. 

The content types you can pin or hide are:

You can pin or hide these pages using the Choose how this content will display on homepage listings setting. You can choose from these settings:

  • Show on homepage listing (default): these pages will show as normal on the homepage listing, as determined by publication date, activation date, or an upcoming date.
  • Pin to homepage listing: these pages will be pinned to the homepage listing to show regardless of date. 
  • Do not show on homepage listing: these pages will not display on the homepage listing.

Pinned pages will stay on the homepage regardless of date, and will be followed by unpinned pages that appear in regular date order. You can pin as many pages as you want, but the homepage listing will not exceed the Maximum number of items to display on listings setting on the relevant OC Tab Widget page. If the number of pinned items exceeds the display limit, the soonest upcoming (events and consultations) or most recently published (news articles and public notices) pinned items will be shown.

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