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About the My Area Module

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The My Area module allows your community to search for their address and see information relevant to them, such as local events, consultations, parks and venues, any waste collection dates for the address, and the elected officials for their area. The module is pre-installed on main sites but unavailable for subsites or intranets.

The module consists of a My Area page with a local area map. After a resident searches for an address, the map will use that information to localize the results and display everything happening near that address. The results list is sorted by distance from the address searched for, so it will display the closest result first. They'll also be able to see waste collection dates for an address and information about their elected officials.

See it in action: check out a My Area page on our demo site.

An address search for My Area can also be inserted into your homepage, which will require tweaks to your theme. Additionally, it is possible to exclude parts of the My Area module. Visit our video series on the topic for more details. 

Next Steps:

  1. Create or edit your My Area page
  2. Customize your My Area map
  3. Set up your waste collection schedules
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