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Create a Local Directory Entry

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The Local Directory module uses the OC Directory and OC Business content types to create community and business directory entries.

If you use local directories on a MyCity site, your directory entries will come from your community. On a MyCity site, community members can submit businesses, organizations, or community groups to your listings. But if you're using the local directory module on a main site, your content authors must create entries for the directories.

an example of a directory entry page

If you're using the Local Directory module on your main site, and you're also using OpenForms with OpenCities, you may want to create a form for community members to submit their organization details to be included in the directory.

After creating your local directory listing pages, you can add directory entries.

Create a Directory Entry

  1. Right-click in the site tree where you want to create the page. We recommend creating community and business directory entries under the relevant listing page.
  2. Select Create Page, and choose the OC Directory content type for community directory entries or the OC Business content type for business directory entries.
  3. Fill in the necessary fields.
  4. Publish the page.

What to Include on Your Directory Entry

Use the following information to fill out the page fields of your OC Directory or OC Business page. As the fields for both content types are nearly identical, they are both included here with the different names listed.

Field Function
Page name Completes the unique page URL
Organization/Business name The name of the organization, business, or community group, displayed at the top of the directory page and on the local directory listing.
Listing category

The categories associated with the organization or business. These categories are also used as a search filter on the local directory listing page. 

Note: Site Managers or System Administrators can customize the preset options available for directory categories before content authors start creating content. Visit our Manage the Local Directory module article for more details on how to do this.

Short description A brief overview of the directory entry, shown on the local directory listing page
Logo or Feature Image An image that displays on the directory page and on the local directory listing.
Image Gallery Add links to related images in your Files Library. These will display in an image gallery at the bottom of the page.
Directory/Business Location
Show address on website Check this box to show the organization's address on the page.
Building/Venue name The name of the building or venue where this business or organization is based.
Street address The street address for this organization.
Locality The suburb or locality where this organization is based.
Postal code The postcode or ZIP code for where this organization is based.
Latitude Longitude

The latitude and longitude to determine the organization's location on a map. You can add this yourself, or it will be automatically generated from the street address when the page is published.

We recommend manually entering the lat/long for organizations that don't have a fixed address. This will drop a map pin at the coordinates you specify.

Note: if you are adding this manually, please ensure the Overwrite lat/long values when the page is published setting is set to No. Access this setting from More > Site Management > your site > Settings > Location

Show postal address on website Check this box if you want to show the organization's postal address on the page
Postal Address The postal address of the organization.
Contact Details
Name The name of the main contact for this organization.
Email The email address of the organization or main contact of the organization.
Phone number Phone number of the contact person or organization.
Website (starting with http:// or https://) Website URL for the organization.
Social Media
Links to social media

Insert links to the social media pages for the organization, such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Supporting information
Content labels These labels organize your content internally (i.e., your site visitors won’t see the labels). You can make contents lists using these content labels.
Deprecated Fields: these are legacy fields and will eventually be removed. Please attach all social media links to the Links to social media field above.

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