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About the Local Directory Module

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The Local Directory module is a premium module that can be installed on main sites and is automatically installed on MyCity sites. The module uses the OC Module Interface, OC Directory, and OC Business content types to build directories of organizations that your community members can update.

Two kinds of local directories are available – a community directory and a business directory. Community directories use the OC Directory content type to list community groups and organizations, while business directories use the OC Business content type to list local businesses.

See it in action: check out a community directory and a business directory on our demo site.

Both directories show a searchable list of all the entries in that directory. Selecting an entry will take you to the full page for that organization, containing more detailed information. The Local Directory module can work in two ways:

  • Use it with MyCity to allow your community to submit directory pages about organizations, groups, or businesses they're running.
  • Use the two content types, OC Business and OC Directory, to set up local directories on your main site and create the entries yourselves.

How to Create a Local Directory Listing

  1. Right-click in your site tree where you would like to create the directory, then select Create Page.
  2. Choose OC Module Interface as the content type.
  3. Select your template from the Template Name drop-down menu. The community directory will use the OC Local Directory template, while the business directory will use the OC Business Directory template.
  4. Fill in the rest of the page fields, including any introductory or supplementary content you want to add to the WYSIWYG Editors.
  5. Publish your page.

Local Directory Templates

There are two templates to choose from when creating a local directory; which one you choose depends on what type of directory you're making.

OC Local Directory:

  • Lists all OC Directory pages on your site.
  • Stream layout, showing the title, location, summary, category, and image.
  • A search function on the right, which your community can use to search by keyword, suburb, or category.
  • 2 WYSIWYG content areas.
  • Lists entries alphabetically
A community directory listing page

OC Business Directory:

  • Lists all OC Business pages on your site.
  • Stream layout, showing the title, location, summary, category, and image.
  • A search function on the right, which your community can use to search by keyword, suburb, or category.
  • 2 WYSIWYG content areas.
  • Lists entries alphabetically
A business directory listing page

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