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Create and Link Glossary Items

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The Glossary module lets you create definitions or additional information for specific terms, jargon, or document content. These definitions use the OC Glossary content type and appear as site visitors hover over your linked words.

An example of a glossary word

Glossary items are created separately from your page and linked to words in the WYSIWYG content; you can link glossary items to many different pages on your site, and the content on these pages will not become overcomplicated with extra information.

You may want to create all the OC Glossary items you think you'll need before creating content. This way, your content authors can link words as they go. Alternatively, you can build them up as you go, so long as you keep your content authors updated on which items need a glossary link. 

Create a Glossary item

You can create OC Glossary pages anywhere on your site, but it's best practice to make them in the Glossary folder.

Glossary pages in the site tree

  1. In your site tree, right-click on the Glossary folder.
  2. Select Create Page, which will automatically create a page with the OC Glossary content type. If you're not making them under the Glossary folder, select OC Glossary from the content type selection menu.
  3. Fill out the necessary fields.
  4. Publish your page.

Once you've published a glossary item, you can link it to as many pages as needed.

What to Include on Your Glossary Item

Use the following information to fill out the fields on your OC Glossary page:

Field Function
Page name Completes the unique page URL
Glossary The item's title reference. We recommend making this the same as the term you're defining so your content authors can find it easily when linking to their text.
Glossary description This text is displayed when community members hover over the word on the live page.

Link Glossary Items to Words in Body Content

Once a glossary item is created and published, content authors can insert glossary links into pages using the WYSIWYG Editor.

To insert a glossary link:

  1. In the WYSIWYG Editor, select the text you want to define.
  2. Select the InsertGlossary icon in the WYSIWYG Toolbar.
    the glossary icon in the editing toolbar
  3. Select the glossary item you'd like to link from the list.
    a list of glossary items
  4. When you've finished, select Save Content and Close and Publish your page.

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