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Check Content for Accessibility and Offensive Words

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

Your site's content needs to be accessible and friendly to visitors. We have created a built-in accessibility checker to assist with improving its accessibility. However, like any accessibility tool, you should not rely only on the built-in accessibility checker to assess your site, as it can generate false-positive results.

You can set content standards in Site Management to manage accessibility in OpenCities and ensure that every content author on your site meets the same standard.

  1. Go to More > Site Management > your site > Settings.
  2. Select Content Standards.
    content standards icon in site management
  3. Select your Accessibility and Offensive words settings.
  4. Select Save Settings, then Save.

content standards settings menu

Content Standards Settings


Compliance level

Select the WCAG accessibility standard which you want your content to meet. The highest level is WCAG 2.1 AAA in our system.
Check level

Select how you want to enforce the accessibility standard:

  • Ignore: Will not enforce the standard
  • Check: Will display a warning if the content does not meet the standard, allowing the content author to update it before publishing
  • Enforce: The content author cannot publish the page without meeting the standard
Offensive words
Check level

Select how you want to check for offensive words:

  • Ignore: Will not check for offensive words
  • Check: Will display a warning if the content has offensive words, allowing the content author to update it before publishing
  • Enforce: The content author cannot publish the page if it has offensive words
Manage offensive words

Click on this link to enter all the offensive words you want to check for. After selecting which language you are editing, enter all offensive words in the text field provided. Each word will need to be on a separate line. 

add offensive words menu

If a content author attempts to publish a page that does not meet the standards you've set, they will be presented with a content report that will look something like this:

accessibility and offensive words content report

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