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The Site Tree

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The site tree is a list of all the pages on your site, and it is structured to show you the hierarchy of pages on your site. You can access the site tree by selecting Pages from the main menu. You will see a list of pages on the top level of your site.

Each page with child pages will have a small black arrow next to it, which you can click to expand the child pages. You will also see a small icon next to each page, which represents the content type of that page. 

an example of a site tree in admin

From the site tree, you can right-click to bring up a menu from which you can:

A page's position in the site tree determines its URL path, which displays as the breadcrumbs on the live page. The Page name of the page determines the last part of the URL. 

an example of breadcrumbs on a page

For example, the URL path of the example page above is [Public]/Council/Council-Information. In this example, the Page name "Council Information" has set the final part of the URL, while its position as a child page of "Council" has set the URL path. This differs from the Page title, which determines the page's title seen in menus, breadcrumbs, landing pages, search results, and at the top of the live page.

This is where the site tree can be very useful; you can see which pages are at the top level, which pages are children of them, and move pages around to change the structure of the site. To move a page within your site tree, you need to put them into work-in-progress mode by selecting Update, then drag and drop them into their new location. You can then Publish the page.

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