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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

As you're browsing our help center, you may find topics or articles you want to Follow. Once you follow an article or section, you can get notified when the content gets updated or when someone comments on an article. This is useful for finding a feature that interests you and keeping track of any new updates for that feature.

To Follow a page or section in our help center, you need to click Follow next to the section or article heading, and select Unfollow to stop following updates. 

follow button on an event article

Key contacts can see the complete list of topics they're following, by selecting the My activities link from the header of our help center, then choosing Following. You'll see a list of what you're following; select one from the list to go to that article or section, or select Unfollow to stop being notified about it. If you're following a section, you can use the dropdown menu in the Following column to choose if you want to get updates about New articles in that section or New articles and comments.

the list of articles being followed in My Acitivies

If you don't see My activities, you likely don't have ticket lodging abilities; you'll need to contact a ticket lodger in your organization.

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