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Submit a Support Case

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

Granicus has a dedicated support team and an extensive help center to help you manage and operate your OpenCities website. We encourage you to search for a solution in our help center before submitting a case, as we have articles covering almost every aspect of our product.

We're always looking to develop our help center, so if you find a topic that's close but doesn't quite answer your question, please mention it in your ticket.

But if you can't find what you're looking for, please submit a support case so our team can look into your query personally.

There are many out-of-the-box solutions for creating content in OpenCities, which will cover most of what you want to do for your site. However, you may have experienced developers on your team who can create custom aspects for your site, including custom content types, content lists, or templates. Please note that we cannot support custom work our team has not done for you.

How to Submit a Support Case

You can submit a support case through the Granicus Support portal:

  1. Go to the Granicus Support portal and Log in.
  2. Once you're logged in, select Get Support from the navigation menu to go to the Create a Case form. 
  3. Fill in the form fields, complete the reCAPTCHA, and select Next.
  4. Select Upload Files to add any relevant attachments.
  5. Select Create Case.

Once submitted, you can navigate to My Support Cases to view your open cases or select Create Another Case to open another one.

The Granicus support site also hosts a range of Knowledge bases. However, please note that all OpenCities help center documentation will remain here for now, and all OpenForms documentation will continue to live on the OpenForms help center.

Please note that only key contacts from your organization can submit tickets. If you do not have login details for Granicus Support, you will need to ask your city or council ticket lodgers for help.

What to Include in Your Case

The Create a Case form has several fields that you can use to tell us about the problem you're having.

How Can We Help?

Use this drop-down menu to tell us why you're reaching out. The option you select here will impact the level of Severity you can select. You can choose from:

  • Ask a Question: Level 4 severity, choose this for basic questions about the product.
  • Get Help Configuring: Levels 3 and 4 severity, choose this for help setting a feature up.
  • Report a Problem: All levels of severity, choose this if something is not working as expected or to report a bug.
  • Request a Feature: Level 4 severity, choose this if you want to request new functionality.

Indicate the severity of your issue. Choose from:

  • Level 1 - URGENT: Complete unavailability of Granicus Products. No workaround is available.
  • Level 2 - SEVERE: Major feature of the product is not working. No workaround available.
  • Level 3 - IMPAIRED: Primary feature of the product is not working as expected. Workaround is available.
  • Level 4 - LOW IMPACT: Incident that has a limited business impact; primary function is unaffected.
Product Suite

The suite of products that the product you have a query about belongs to.

For queries regarding OpenCities, select govAccess Suite.

For queries regarding OpenForms, select govService Suite.

You must select the correct Product Suite, so we can ensure your case comes to us as quickly as possible.

Product Select the product that your query is about, either OpenCities or OpenForms. If you do not see the correct product, you may have selected the incorrect Product Suite.

Use this field to give your query a specific title. Please try and be as detailed as possible. If you have more than one site with OpenCities, this is an excellent place to mention a particular site relating to your query. 


Give us a detailed and descriptive explanation for your query. Please give us as much information as you can provide, such as:

  • Page URLs that demonstrate your query and the Page name if you're asking about a specific page on your site.
  • An exact error message
  • What steps you took to discover the issue
  • Any steps you've taken to try and rectify the issue
  • What you would like to achieve with the product 
  • Examples of other OpenCities sites that you're looking at
CC (Optional)

Add additional email addresses that will be notified of case communications. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.

Upload Files

Use the upload field to send us images, files, or videos to illustrate your query. The maximum file size is 2 GB, and you can upload PDF, XLSX, JPG, TIFF, PNG, DOCX, XLX, CSV, or MP4 files. Useful files include:

  • Full-screen screenshots demonstrating the issue
  • Videos demonstrating the issue
  • Other files, including codes or scripts you'd like to implement

Tips for Quick Resolutions

Our support team is always happy to help, but here are some tips and information to include in your support ticket to help expedite your request.

  • Ensure that you enter the correct Product Suite and Product when you submit a case to ensure the quickest response possible. For OpenCities, select govAccess, and for OpenForms, select govService.
  • Please include as much detail as possible in your support ticket. Always send us links and screenshots and clearly state the issue you're facing and what you're trying to achieve. This helps us respond quickly with the most relevant information to help you achieve your goal.
  • When sending screenshots, please send us an image of the entire screen. This can help us get some context about the issue and understand if anything might be causing it. Similarly, please show us the exact wording of error messages, with a rough timestamp, so our team can check logs for specific errors.
  • If you see something another OpenCities site is doing and want to replicate it, please check with us to see if it's possible. Additionally, we encourage you to ask us about big project ideas before embarking on them so we can give you the best advice on how to ace the project.

We also welcome feedback for product improvements, but we ask that you outline why this development would help with your content publishing or website management.

What Else?

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