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Manage your Site Settings

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

This task can be undertaken by users with the following roles: OC Site Manager and OC System Administrator.

Your Site Settings live in the Site Management area of your OpenCities admin. These settings allow you to configure some background features of your site, such as a favicon and website name, and some more complex features, such as Google analytics and error pages.

To edit your Site Settings:

  1. From the main menu, go to More > Site Management > your site > Settings.
  2. Select Site Settings.
    Site setting icon in site management
  3. Make your changes
  4. Select Save Settings and Save.

Site Settings

Organization name

Set your organization's name, for example, "City of Point Russell". This will appear in places such as your site footer.

You'll see a field for each language if you have different language packs installed on your site

Website name

Set the public name of your site, for example, "City of Point Russell" for your main site. This will appear in places like the thumbnail title when pages are shared on social media.

You'll see a field for each language if you have different language packs installed on your site.

Browser tab title Set a heading that will show in the browser tab for your live site.
Website favicon

Use this field to upload a favicon to display in the browser next to the tab title. Select Upload a new Favicon to select the file from your computer. Once you've uploaded the file, you can choose a background color, which will be used when the icon is shown as a shortcut for windows devices. Make sure you select Process to generate the favicon and see a preview.

We recommend selecting an icon that is as least 260px x 260px, and there is a maximum file size of 512 kb.

Display unsupported browser warning

Check this box if you want to display a banner message to users when the system detects that they are accessing your site via an unsupported browser. Currently, the only unsupported browser is Internet Explorer.

Google analytics This field is where you add the Google Analytics script when using Google Analytics to capture data about your site.
"Page not found" page url

Use this predictive field to set your personalized 404 error page, which users will be taken to if they select a broken link or enter a faulty URL. If you don't have one, your users will see our "Page not found" error page.

If you want to create one, we recommend using an OC General page and entering your error message (including, if you want, a link to your homepage or popular pages). Remember to hide this page from search and navigation.

Error page url

Use this predictive field to set your personalized error page for when users hit unhandled exceptions, which are general errors but not maintenance errors. We recommend creating a new Error page, so your users will not see the"Page not found" page we created when they encounter an unhandled exception. 

If you want to create one, we recommend using an OC General page and entering your error message (including, if you want, a link to your homepage or popular pages). Remember to hide this page from search and navigation.

Lock homepage to the top of site tree Check this box to lock the position of the first page in your site tree to the top. This will prevent users from accidentally replacing the homepage in the site tree.

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