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Create Forms

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

This is a legacy form building tool and will not be supported or updated in a future product release. For a fully supported form building tool, we recommend using OpenForms. For more information on OpenForms, see Use OpenForms with OpenCities and the OpenForms help centre.

The Form Builder is used to create basic forms to collect respondent input data received from questions created using a variety of input field type options.

Forms ready for responses are inserted directly into the WYSIWYG or body content area of pages, accompanying existing page content within the page it is inserted into. Submitted form data can be recorded or distributed depending on the setting requirements configured on the form.

Upon selecting Forms from the main menu, users can view and edit forms built using the Form builder or create and configure settings for a new form for inclusion on content pages.

Create new form button

Click Create New Form to add a new form instance and open the Form Overview screen.

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