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Create an OC Consultation Page

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The main feature of the Community Engagement module is the consultation pages. OC Consultation pages inform your community of ongoing projects being completed in their area. They are a way for them to have some input into the project.

This article will discuss:

Each consultation page has three folders: "Discussions," "Latest Updates," and "Timeline." Pages created within these folders will automatically display on the OC Consultation page in accordions or side panels, creating one page your community can visit to learn about and have their say on the proposal.

See it in action: Check out an in-progress consultation on our demo site.

How to Create an OC Consultation Page

  1. Right-click in the site tree where your consultation listing page is. This will probably be the "Have Your Say" page we set up when we installed the module for you.
    Consultation pages in the site tree
  2. Select Create Page.
  3. Choose OC Consultation as the content type. 
  4. Select the template you want to use from the Template Name drop-down menu.
  5. Fill in the necessary fields.
  6. Publish the page.

What to Include on Your OC Consultation Page

While there are several fields for the consultation page, you cannot complete the timeline side panel or discussions or the latest updates from this page. These aspects of the page are completed by creating OC Discussion, OC Blog, and OC Consultation Timeline pages under the folders below the consultation page. The following fields can be found on the consultation page:

Field Function
Page name Completes the unique page URL
Consultation title The name displayed as the title of the page, in the consultation listing, and in search results.
Add consultation summary A brief overview of the consultation for listing pages and search results.
Add main image

Main image for the consultation, used on the listing page, in search results, and on the consultation page.

Note: when choosing an image, make sure it is at least 900 px wide. This size will work for both templates available.

Choose how this content will display on homepage listings

This dropdown menu will give you three options:

  1. Show on homepage listing (default): consultations will show as normal on the homepage listing, determined by the closing date of the consultation
  2. Pin to homepage listing: the consultation will be pinned to the homepage listing to show regardless of the consultation date
  3. Do not show on homepage listing: the consultation will not display on the homepage listing

Note: Past consultations will no longer show on the homepage listing, regardless of whether or not they are pinned.

Submission date 
Ongoing consultation Check Yes if the consultation is ongoing and has no closing date.
Or, consultation closes on Select a closing date for the consultation if there is one.
Hide closing information Check Yes if you want to hide the closing date information. 
And display following instead Add any additional information here if you have selected to hide the closing date information.
Contact details
Contact name Name of the contact person or organization
Contact email Email of the contact person or organization
Contact phone number Phone number of the contact person or organization
Alternate phone number Alternate phone number of the contact person or organization
Website (starting with http:// or https://) Website URL for the consultation
Location details
Venue name Name of the venue that this consultation relates to
Street address Street location of the consultation for Google Maps
Locality The suburb of the consultation for Google Maps
Postal code Postcode or ZIP code of the consultation for Google Maps
Latitude Longitude (in decimal "lat, lon" format)

The latitude and longitude to determine the consultation location on a map. You can add this, or it will be automatically generated from the street address when the page is published.

We recommend manually entering the lat/long for consultations that don't have a fixed address. This will drop a map pin at the coordinates you specify.

Note: if you are adding this manually, please ensure the 'Overwrite lat/long values when the page is published' setting is set to No. Access this setting from More > Site Management > your site > Settings > Location

Supporting information
Additional accordion panels  Add additional accordion content. Use the field provided to name the panel and the edit button to open the WYSIWYG Editor.
Additional side panels Add additional side panel content. Use the field provided to name the panel and the edit button to open the WYSIWYG Editor.
Add supporting images Consultation-related images for an image gallery on the consultation page
Add supporting documents Consultation related documentation
Add supporting links Related internal/external links for the consultation
Add common search terms people would use when looking for this consultation Keywords to boost the page in search results
Content labels These labels organize your content internally (i.e., your site visitors won’t see the labels). You can make lists out of content with the same label.

Please note that you must choose a closing date or Ongoing consultation for your OC Consultation to display on your listing page.

OC Consultation Templates

Two templates are available for an OC Consultation page: OC Default and OC With Full Width Image

Choose the template that is right for you from the Template Name drop-down menu. If you want to preview your page with the template applied, Save before you press Preview.

OC Default:

  • A 2-column template showing the submission closing date below the title and the main image wrapped by the WYSIWYG content. 
  • Shows an address, a map, and a photo gallery (if related images are included) below the WYSIWYG content area, followed by accordion panels for the discussion and blog items. Any additional accordions will display below this.
  • The right-hand column contains the consultation timeline items, contact details, any additional side panels, and any related documents or links.
    Note: when viewed on a mobile device, all right column content falls below the accordions.
A consultation page with the default template

OC With Full Width Image:

  • A 2-column template showing the submission closing date below the title and the main image followed by the WYSIWYG content. 
  • Shows an address, a map, a photo gallery (if related images are included) below the WYSIWYG content area, followed by accordion panels for the discussion and blog items. Any additional accordions will display below this.
  • The right-hand column contains the consultation timeline items, contact details, any additional side panels, and any related documents or links.
    Note: when viewed on a mobile device, all right column content falls below the accordions.
A consultation page with the full width image template

Once you've made a consultation page, you need to start adding discussions, blog posts, and timeline items:

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