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OpenCities Content Types

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

Websites are made up of pages, many of which have different purposes and needs. OpenCities uses modules to denote the kind of content you're creating, and each module has at least one content type associated with it. Every page in an OpenCities site has a content type, to meet the needs of that page, and many content types also have various templates. For example, to create an event, you would use the Events module and create a page with the content type OC Event to show times, dates, locations, and other important event details.

Template of a page with the content type event showing

What Does the OC Prefix Mean?

OC stands for OpenCities. All it means is that OpenCities owns the content types. OC content types are locked, so you can't edit them. OC is a reserved prefix, so you can't create any content types that start with OC.

Choosing a Content Type

You choose the content type for a page when you create it. To do this:

  1. Right-click on an existing page in the site tree where you want to create the new page. The page you click on will be the parent page of the new page.
  2. Select Create Page.
  3. A menu showing the content types available will appear. Select the content type you want from this list, or type it into the search bar.
    The content type selection menu
  4. Click on the content type you have selected to create a page with this content type.

The content types you can use depend on the modules you have installed on your site. Visit Install and manage your modules to find out how to add modules. 

You can also create a page through the Dashboard. Under the My Shortcuts menu, there is a list of the content types assigned to your shortcuts. To create a page from here, hover your cursor over the content type icon you want and select Create. You can manage your shortcuts, including where the page will be created, in the Shortcuts tab of your Site Management settings. 

The create page options under the My Shortcuts menu on the Dashboard

Which Content Type Should I Choose?

There are many content types to choose from, each with its own specific purpose created to meet the needs of your city or council. Many content types also have various templates to determine how the content will display. Although they are all created for a purpose, some content types have been created for more navigational or thematic needs. Below are lists of all the content types that OpenCities has provided, divided into:

Below you will find a brief explanation of all the OpenCities content types, however many content authors will only need details about some of your more popular content types. Here's a list of the most frequently used pages:

Purpose-driven Content Types

There are many content types that we have designed for a specific purpose. Some of the most common – OC Event, OC News Article, OC Elected Officials, etc – have been designed to mirror the needs of a government website. Each of the following content types has been created to clearly and efficiently give your community the information they require from your website.

Content type: Description: Use to:

OC Accommodation

ATDW module - premium

accommodation icon

Present accommodation located within your city or council, synced from your ATDW account.
  • Highlight accommodation, including images, costs, location information, and contact details.

OC Announcement

Announcements module

The announcement icon is a warning sign

Create a banner announcement that is visible across your site, either at the top or the bottom of the window.

  • Communicate important information to your community, such as:
      • Emergencies
      • Disruptions
      • Policies

OC Bids and Tenders

Bids & Tenders module

The bids and tenders icon is a page with a dollar sign on it

Publicize open and awarded bids and tenders in your city or council.
  • Display open bids and tenders
  • Display closed bids and tender

OC Blog

Community Engagement module – premium

The blog icon is a black page with a corner folded

Post detailed updates about a consultation project.
  • Create complete articles to show under the Latest Updates of a consultation page 

OC Business

Local Directory module – premium

The business icon is a handshake

Create entries for businesses on your Local Directory.
  • Present the details of local businesses for your Local Directory.

OC Consultation

Community Engagement module – premium

The consultation icon is two speech bubbles

Create a page where your community can view and comment on upcoming projects.
  • Present upcoming projects to your community
  • Gives your community a space to learn about and comment on consultations.

OC Consultation Timeline 

Community Engagement module – premium

The consultation timeline icon is in the shape of a 2-pointed pennant

Create timeline entries for consultations.
  • Enters and displays timeline information, to be viewed on a consultation page

OC Department

Departments module

The department icon is a building

Present all the information and details about your city or council departments.
  • Provide an overview of your departments, including what they do.
  • Present the important details about your departments, including contact details, hours, and location details.

OC Development Application

Development Applications module

The development application icon is a protractor and a pencil

Shows the details of proposals for developments in the area
  • Provide an overview of development applications, including the location and status of the application.

OC Directory

Local Directory module – premium

The directory icon is an open sign

Create entries for community groups and organizations in your Local Directory.
  • Present the details of local community groups and organizations for your Local Directory.

OC Discussion

Community Engagement module – premium

The discussion icon is a black message bubble

Gives your community a place to comment on ongoing consultations.
  • Create discussion items, which your community can use to comment on an ongoing consultation.

OC Document

Document Libraries module

The document icon is a document

Create document entries for a document library.
  • Create one page which lists all documents relevant to one topic

OC Elected Official

Elected Officials module

The elected official icon is a 2-pointed pennant with a star on it

Present the profiles of the elected officials in your city or council.
  • Present the details of your elected officials, including names, photos, bios, contact details, social media links and any important platforms or initiatives they undertake.

OC EngagementHQ Project

EngagementHQ connector


Presents projects from your EngagementHQ on your OpenCities site.
  • Displays synced project information and links back to your EngagementHQ site.

OC Event

Events module

The events icon is a calendar

Present the events happening in your city or council.
  • Show detailed event pages, including dates, times, locations and descriptions.
  • Allow your community to add events to their calendars

OC Event Location

Events module

The event location icon is a calendar with a map pin overlaid on it

Present multiple times, dates and locations for your existing events.
  • Show times and locations for events such that reading groups or workshops, which occur in multiple places.

OC General

General pages module

The general page icon is a page with lines on it

Useful for displaying information that does not fit with any other content types.
  • Create pages that do not conform to a more specific content type, such as pages for:
      • Hosting embedded content like forms or maps
      • Creating contact pages
      • Creating error pages
      • Informational pages
      • Pages for legalities such as disclaimers or policies
      • Pages that can be linked from announcements
      • Text-heavy pages which need to be split into sections

OC Glossary

Homepage module

The glossary icon is page with lines on it

Provide the definition for specific terms, policies, or jargon.
  • Create a glossary link for specific terms, which appear when a user hovers their cursor over the word.

OC Image Gallery

Image Galleries module

The image gallery icon is a landscape with mountains and sun

Create a gallery of captioned images.
  • Organize and show a grid of images, which can show captions and expand into a slideshow format.
  • Embed the gallery into another page, or show it on its own.

OC Initiative

Initiatives module

The initiatives icon is a rocket ship

Show objectives and priorities of your city or council.
  • Provide detailed explanations of city or council initiatives, such as priorities around health, the environment, transport, innovation, the arts, or hospitality.

OC Job

Jobs module

The job icon is a briefcase

Advertize any job vacancies in your city or council.
  • Provide the specifics on advertized job vacancies, including position title and explanation, remuneration packages, application links, and closing dates.

OC Location

Maps module

The location icon is a map pin on a map

Create map entries for items that need to be mapped, but do not require a whole page of content.
  • Provide locations that can be added to maps. Some examples include:
      • Waste collection or recycling centers
      • Road closures
      • Defibrillator locations, or other medical necessities.

OC Lost Animal

Lost Animals module

The lost animals icon is a paw print

Create entries for a lost animal listing page.
  • Provide details of lost animals, such as name, breed, reference number, color, where it was found and an image.

    Note: Present entries on the listing page, but individual entries cannot be viewed on their own page.

OC Meeting

Minutes & Agendas module

The meeting icon is a clock

Create and present meetings to your community.
  • Provide meeting details such as times, locations, minutes and agendas.
  • Allow your community to add meetings to their calendars.

OC Meeting Document

Minutes & Agendas module

The meeting document icon is a page with a clock on it

Upload your meeting documentation, including minutes and agendas.
  • Add single or multiple minutes and agendas documents to your meeting entries

OC Message

Message Board module – Intranets only

The message icon is a black message bubble with white lines on it

Post messages on your Intranet message board. 
  • Create messages to your staff on your Intranet message board.
  • Include details such as the title, category, message content, supporting links or documents, and an image.

OC News Article

News module

The news article icon is a newspaper

Create news articles about your city or council.
  • Publish news articles to your news listing or homepage

OC Park

Parks module

The park icon is two trees

Provide comprehensive information about the parks in your city or council.
  • Showcase the attributes and details of your parks, such as location, specific features, contact details, and images.

OC Project

Works & Projects module

The projects icon is a witches hat cone

Display upcoming and ongoing works and projects in your city or council.
  • Provide detailed explanations for each project your city or council is undergoing.
  • Include details such as a project name and image, project type, closing date, value, schedule, location, and contact details.

OC Public Notice

Public Notices module

The public notice icon is a push pin

Present current and past city or council communications that are legally required to be made.
  • Publish detailed public notices to your site, including communications that, legally, have to be made. 

OC Resource

Initiatives module

The resources icon is two pages, one behind the other

Displays important additional information about ongoing initiatives.
  • Provide supplemental information for initiatives, such as reports, plans, or related links and documents.

OC Rotating Banner

Rotating Banners module

The rotating banner is a slide

Create a slideshow banner to highlight visual content.

  • Display slideshows on pages or on your homepage.
  • Highlight images for events, facilities, or other pages on your site.

OC Service

Services module

The service icon is a hand with a gear in it

Present the various ways your community can learn about and apply for different services your city or council offers.
  • Make completely tasks easier for your community.
  • Provide a step-by-step process for services.
  • Display all the methods you can use to complete a service, such as online, in person, by mail, or phone.

OC Tourist Attraction

ATDW module - premium


Present attractions located within your city or council, synced from your ATDW account.
  • Highlight tourist attractions, including images, costs, location information, and contact details.

OC Tourist Service

ATDW module - premium


Present different options for your OC Accommodation and OC Tourist Attraction pages. These pages are synced from your ATDW account.
  • Highlight differing options and services as accordions within your accommodation and attraction pages. This content type is often used to showcase options such as room types or different tours.

OC Venue

Venues module

The venues icon is a large building with a flag on it

Provide comprehensive information about the venues in your city or council.
  • Showcase the attributes and details of your venues, such as location, specific features, suitabilities, contact details, and images.

Navigation-driven Content Types

Some content types were designed to allow you to create pathways or landing places throughout your site, to make finding content easier for your community. Some others have been designed to assist with organization within your site tree.

Content type: Description: Use for:

OC A-Z Item

A-Z Directory module

The A-Z Item is a black box with a-z on it

List popular pages in alphabetical order

  • Create entries for multiple search terms in an A-Z list
  • Create an alphabetical index for your most popular pages

OC Folder

The folder icon is a folder

Group types of pages together to keep your site tree organized
  • Organize content in your site tree by placing pages into labeled folders.
  • Some examples are:
      • Announcements
      • Slides
      • Tabs
      • Image galleries

OC Landing Page

Landing Pages module

The landing page icon is a page with a black oval at the top

Separate sections of your website and provide links to child pages in that section.
  • Show a list of its child pages, so your site visitors can quickly find what they’re looking for.
  • Organize and separate your site into sections.

OC Meeting Folder

Minutes & Agendas module

The meeting folder icon is a black folder with a clock on it

Groups and presents multiple meeting documents together
  • Present multiple meeting documents when your minutes or agendas are spread over several documents

OC Module Interface

The module interface icon

A listing page for a content type. There are many templates that you can apply to it.

  • List a content type with its respective template.
  • There are many to choose from, examples include:
      • Events listings
      • Parks listings
      • Service listings
      • Elected Officials listings

See the full list of templates.

OC Redirect Page

Redirect pages module

The redirect icon is a black page with a white linking arrow

Create links in your navigation and menus to other pages on your site or an external site
  • Link to internal or external web pages.
  • Create links in your landing pages, navigation menus, and search results.

OC Top Tasks 

Homepage module

The top task icon is a large black cursor arrow

Create links to the most popular pages or most frequently used services.
  • Insert links to the most used services into your homepage and navigation.
  • Allow your community to find services and pages easily.

OC Top Tasks Folder

Homepage module

Th top tasks folder icon is a page with an arrow on it

Add Top Tasks to your mega menus for top-level pages.
  • Create folders for your top tasks to add them to your navigation menus.
  • Allow your community to navigate to the most frequently used pages from anywhere on the site.

Theme-driven Content Types

Lastly, there are content types designed to assist with the thematic changes that can be made within your site tree.

Content type: Description: Use for:

OC Featured Background

Homepage and section background

The featured background icon is landscape with mountains and a sun

Add a specific image to your site's background.
  • Specify the background image of your homepage.
  • Specify the background image of a section of your site.
  • Rotate your background between several different images

OC Featured Content

Homepage module

The featured content icon is a white page with a black star

Highlight important pages on your homepage. Featured content can be linked internally or externally.

  • Showcase and link to important content on your homepage, such as:
      • Elected officials
      • Local Directories
      • Subsites
      • Consultations

OC Footer Link

Site footer

The footer link icon is a page with a link symbol

Create links to important pages that appear in your site's footer on every page.
  • Create links to appear in your footer widgets, such as:
      • Social media links
      • Site translation links
      • Newsletter subscription
  • Link to information that legally needs to be on your site and which needs to appear on every page in your Sub Footer, such as:
      • Terms and conditions
      • A privacy policy
      • A site map

OC Footer Widget

Site footer

The footer widget icon is a page with a black oval at the bottom

Display information and links in your site footer.
  • Show information in your site footer, which will appear on every page.
  • Examples include:
      • Contact information
      • Social media links
      • Other city or council sites

OC Profile

Staff Directory module – Intranets only

The profile icon is a white page with a black house on it

The content type used for the homepage
  • Create the homepage of your site.

OC Slide

Rotating Banners module

The slide icon is a slide

Add images to your rotating banners.
  • Add slides to your homepage rotating banner
  • Add slides to your page-level rotating banner

OC Tab Widget

Homepage module

The tab widget icon is a black tab folder

Create an extra tab for your homepage.
  • Highlight content in tabs on your homepage, such as:
      • Consultations
      • Works and projects
      • Events
      • News

What Else?


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