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There are two templates available for an OC Event page: OC Default and OC With Full Width Image. The default template emphasizes information, while the full-width template highlights an image.
Choose the template that is right for you from the Template Name drop-down menu. If you want to preview your page with the template applied, Save it before you press Preview.
OC Default:
2-column template showing the main image wrapped by the WYSIWYG content. We recommend using an image that is at least 900 px wide.
Shows an address, a map, a photo gallery (if related images are included), and a categories list
Right-hand column includes call-to-action links, side panel content, event snapshot (including event pricing, contact details, and social media links), and related links and documents Note: when viewed on a mobile device, all right-hand column content falls below the image gallery
OC With Full Width Image:
A 2-column template showing the main image, followed by the WYSIWYG content. We recommend using an image that is at least 900 px wide.
Shows an address, a map, a photo gallery (if related images are included), and a category list
Right-hand column includes a call-to-action, side panel content, event snapshot (including event pricing, contact details, and social media links), and related links and documents Note: when viewed on a mobile device, all right-column content falls to the bottom of the page, below the location details and supporting images.
Use this template for events with an eye-catching image.
We also recommend choosing one template for all events and noting this in your internal style guide, allowing you and your content authors to create event pages with a consistent layout. This will ensure visual and content consistency across your site.