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Workflows for MyCity Pages

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

Your MyCity site works through user-submitted pages. Because pages that are submitted by the community will be published to your official site, it's important that you review the content for accuracy and suitability, and then publish or remove it.

This video series will take you through the process of creating workflows in MyCity:

Creating Workflows in MyCity

Testing your MyCity Workflow

Create a Workflow

Before your MyCity site goes live, we recommend creating a workflow so you can review pages properly. If you don't create a workflow, all user-submitted pages will be automatically published before you review the content.

When creating a MyCity workflow, ensure you're working on the correct site. Use the site picker drop-down menu to switch over to your MyCity site. 
site picker dropdown menu

Our topic on Workflows will give you detailed instructions on how to create a workflow and how to create an email template for your workflow. You'll also find sample email templates in the TXT file in the Resources section below to use in your MyCity workflow. But for a basic approval workflow, for a MyCity site that uses all page type, you can use these sample settings:

Overview tab
  • Stage: MyCity User Approval Workflow
  • Description: An approval workflow for user-submitted pages.
  • Number of days before escalation: 5
  • Workflow for: Check Update/New, then New item and Updated item
Approval tab
  • Roles who can make approvals: OC System Administrator and OC Workflow Manager
  • Roles who can skip approvals: N/A
  • Internal approvers: Check the Is Default box for each user you want to be notified of when a new page enters this workflow
  • External approvers: N/A
  • Disable approver selection on submission: N/a
Content Type tab
  • Relevant content types: Check OC Event, OC Directory, and OC Business
Email tab
  • External approver email: Select an email
  • Add New Workflow Email: 
    Add these settings:
    • When a page is Entering the workflow
    • With status Approved / Needs approval
    • Send email [your workflow approval email]

Once you've created your workflow, we recommend getting another staff member to test it.

Review Submitted Pages

Once a user-submitted page has entered your workflow, you'll receive a notification that it is ready for approval. There are two ways to approve a page.

Firstly, you can navigate to the relevant folder in the site tree and go through the pages that haven't been reviewed. All pages that are in the workflow will have the work-in-progress (WIP) status. You can select a page, then Preview it and edit it if you need to.

From there, you can also Publish it if you're happy with it and an email will be sent to the user that the page has been published. If you're not happy with it, you can archive or delete it, and unless you've set up a deletion workflow, the user will not be notified.

page in workflow in the site tree

The other way to do it is through the Approvals menu:

  1. From the main menu of your MyCity site, go to Approvals.
  2. From the list on the left, select the approval workflow you created for MyCity. Pages that need to be reviewed will have the work-in-progress (WIP) symbol. 
  3. To Preview, Approve, or Reject the page, hover over the page and use the cogwheel drop-down menu to action the page. You can also add comments in the Comments field.
  4. If you need to edit a page, select the Item Name, and you'll be taken to the page's admin, where you can edit in the WYSIWYG Editor or page field.
  5. You can also Approve or Reject pages in bulk by checking each relevant page and selecting the action from the Bulk Actions menu.

Once you have approved a page, it will be published to the site you indicated in your Site Management settings.

Please note that if you have a workflow for these content types on the site you're publishing to, the MyCity page will go through that workflow before it gets published.

What Else?


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