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About the MyCity module

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The MyCity module is an online portal through which your community can create accounts and submit events, business listings, and community listings. Like an Intranet, the MyCity module acts as a separate OpenCities site. 

You can also connect your MyCity site with your main site or subsites and publish events and directory listings to one or several of your sites.

See it in action: check out our MyCity demo site by signing in with the provided login details.

If you want a MyCity site or want to learn more about it, please submit a ticket, and we'll be in touch with the next steps. Once the module has been purchased, and before we create the site, we'll ask you to fill in the MyCity Briefing Form, which will tell us all the details about how you would like your site to work.

MyCity dashboard

Getting started: the MyCity Briefing Form

After you've purchased the MyCity module, we'll set up the site for you. However before we can do that, we need to know how you want your MyCity to work. We'll need to know, for example, which content types your users will be able to submit, how you want the site to look and which of your existing sites you want to connect it with.

The questions we'll ask are listed below to give you more details about them. Please note that the form uses smart logic to display relevant questions, so don't worry if you don't see all the questions below.

Organisation Enter the name of your city or council.
Feature details
I am currently using the old "Local Directory/MyCouncil" module on my OpenCities site

If you've been with us for a while, you may be using an earlier version of MyCity: Local Directory or MyCouncil.

Check "yes" if you're using an older version of MyCity.

I want to migrate users/entries from the old "Local Directory/MyCouncil" module in MyCity

If you're using an earlier version of MyCity, you may already have a database of users and entries which you want to move to your new MyCity site.

Check "yes" if you want to migrate these users and entries to your new MyCity site.

I want to use MyCity to allow the community to create and update their own

Check each type of content you want your community to be able to create and update with their accounts. You can choose to let them create:

  • Events
  • Community Directory entries
  • Business Directory entries

While you can select all of them, it's worth taking the time to think about how you are already creating content. For example, you may already have a content team dedicated to a business directory, with most of your local businesses already detailed there.

Also, keep in mind that for each of these options you'll need to have someone who can approve them before they are published, and make sure they're reviewed in a timely manner.

Upload Community Directory categories

Use this field to upload a document listing the categories you want to include for your MyCity Community directory pages.

Upload Business Directory categories

Use this field to upload a document listing the categories you want to include for your MyCity Business directory pages.

I want users to be able to sign up using social media platforms

By default, users can create accounts using an email address and a password. Check "yes" if you want users to be able to create accounts using their existing social media accounts, such as Facebook, Google, or LinkedIn.

Social media logins will require a bit of back-end setup for each platform, so these options are best set up by account owners of your social accounts. 

Upload Terms and Conditions

Use this field to upload a document containing the Terms and Conditions your community must understand and follow for your MyCity site.

Please ensure your Terms and conditions have been signed off by the relevant team before uploading them.

Theme details
What are your preferred brand colours? (1st and 2nd preference)

MyCity sites have a simple design, but we'll work with you to get it looking how you want. Please specify your first and second preferences for brand colors.

If possible, please specify the hex code of your color, so we ensure you get the correct color.

Where should the content be published to?

Events should be published to the following location (URL of listing page)

Provide the URL of the page where you want to publish and list user-submitted events. 

For example: [Public]/Community/Events-Activities/Community-Events

Community directory entries should be published to the following location (URL of listing page)

Provide the URL of the page where you want to publish and list user-submitted community directory entires. 

For example: [Public]/Community/Community-Directory

Business directory entries should be published to the following location (URL of listing page)

Provide the URL of the page where you want to publish and list user-submitted business directory entries. 

For example: [Public]/Community/Business-Directory

Once your site has been set up, there are many settings you can customize, including:

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