As an online portal, MyCity has several pages dedicated to login and account management for your users. We'll create these pages for you when we create the site, but you can create new ones if you accidentally delete them or edit them as regular pages if you need to. If you create new pages or move them in the site tree, remember to adjust the settings in Site Management.
All of the login pages use the OC Module Interface content type. Here is a list of the pages you'll need for a fully operational MyCity site and the templates they will need.
- Login: OC Site Login
- No access: OC Site Login Panel
- Logout: OC Site Login Panel
- Forgot password: OC Site Login Panel
- Reset password: OC Site Login Panel
- Registration: OC Site Login Panel
- Email verification: OC Site Login Panel
- Set password: OC Site Login Panel
- Update your details: OC Site Login Panel
- Terms and conditions panel: OC Site Login Panel
As MyCity sites involve some customer data gathering, it's also essential that you have a terms and conditions page that lays it all out for your users.
Create a New Login Page
When you create a new login page, you'll first need to ensure you're working on the MyCity site.
- Use the site picker menu in the top-left corner to select your MyCity site.
- Right-click in your site tree and select Create Page. If you want to create the page on the top level of your site, click on the home icon with your site name at the top of the tree.
- Choose the OC Module Interface content type and choose your template from the Template Name drop-down menu. If you're creating a page for your users to log in, select the OC Site Login template. For all others, use the OC Site Login Panel template.
- Fill in the necessary fields and add any information your page needs to the main WYSIWYG Editor. This may be information about logging in or specific password rules.
- Publish your page. You'll need to indicate the page in your Site Management settings.
- From the main menu, go to More > Site Management > your MyCity site > Settings > Log in.
- Under Sign in/Registration process pages, enter your new page into the matching field. These are all predictive fields, so start typing the Page name of your new page into the relevant field and select it from the list.
- Select Save Settings and Save.
While you're in your Site Management settings, you may also want to set password rules.
Set Password Rules for MyCity
In the Site Management settings, you can change the rules that govern what users can choose for their password. You can set a character minimum and choose whether passwords contain numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and special characters.
Here's how to do it:
- In your MyCity site, go to More > Site Management > your site > Settings > Log in.
- Under Password, from the Validation menu, choose if you want to Force validation rules, Show password strength only, or have No validation requirements. If you select No validation, then the options for your password rules will not display.
- Select your password rules.
- Select Save Settings, then Save.
These password rules will be visible on the change password page, so users will know what to include in their password.
Change Your Terms and Conditions Page
We'll also create a page for your terms and conditions when creating your site. This is linked to a login page so users can see the terms and conditions when signing up.
This is an OC General page to add your terms and conditions content. As a MyCity site will gather some user data, you must write meaningful terms and conditions; you may want to consult with a legal professional while writing them.
Here's what to do if you need to replace your terms and conditions page:
- Ensure you're working on your MyCity site by switching to it through the site picker drop-down menu in the top-left corner.
- Right-click in the site tree where you want to create the page. If you're going to make the page on the top level of your site, click on the home icon next to your site name.
- Select Create Page and choose OC General as the content type.
- Use the WYSIWYG Editor to write your terms and conditions.
- Publish your page.
- From the main menu, go to More > Site Management > your MyCity site > Settings > Log in.
- Type the Page name of your new terms and conditions page into the Terms and conditions content field under Detail pages. This is a predictive field, so you can select the correct page from the list once you start typing in the name.
- Select Save Settings, then Save.