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Manage emails sent by OpenCities

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

This task is for users with the OC Site Manager or OC System Administrator roles.

For various reasons, OpenCities will need to send emails to admin staff about processes within the system. These emails relate to workflows, forms, MyCity, user accounts, and subscriptions. You can customize aspects of these emails to suit your city or council.

Please note that if you have updated the content of a system email template, these edits will be overridden if new product releases affect that template. However, any styling modifications will stay updated.

You can edit content for the following types of email:

You can also edit the styling of system emails to match your city or council branding. This video will show you how:

All system email templates will inherit the styling specified in your Site Management settings for that site. Here's how to edit the styling:

  1. Go to More > Site Management > your site > Settings.
  2. Select Email.
    Email icon in site management
  3. Change the Header color by clicking on the color picker and selecting the color or entering a hex color code.
  4. Add a link to an image into your Logo field to include your city or council logo. An image link needs to be copied from the file in the Files Library, for example, "/files/assets/public/sample-images/sample.svg" 
    an image link in the files library
  5. Edit your HTML signature and Text signature.
  6. You'll see a Preview of your new email, but you can also enter an email address in the Send test email field and select Send to see how it looks.
  7. When you're happy, select Save Settings and Save.

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