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Manage the Location settings

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

This task can be undertaken by users with the following roles: OC Site Manager and OC System Administrator.

You can manage the settings for anything to do with location (including the Maps module) from Site Management.

  1. From the main menu, go to More > Site Management > your site > Settings.
  2. Select Location.
    the location icon in the site management settings
  3. Make your changes (see Location settings for more information).
  4. Save your changes.

Location settings

Google map api key Enter your API key for Google Maps.
Map bounds for address search Enter the latitude and longitude values to create a boundary to restrict address searches. You will be able to enter coordinates of the Top right and Bottom left of this boundary.
Map region for address search Choose a map region to restrict address searches too.
Overwrite lat/long values when the page is published

Enabling this setting will override any manually entered latitude and longitude coordinates entered by a page author on a page with a location when it's published.

Set this to 'No' if you want page authors to be able to manually enter coordinates.

Locality (city / suburb / town)

This setting reflects the localities page authors will see on pages with a location. You can add more options in the Enter new suburb/city field and clicking Add. You can also delete our preset options by clicking on the gear icon next to the locality and selecting Delete.

Note: All pages with a location field must specify a locality. Deleting a locality will remove this information from the pages that have a locality. This means that you will need to revisit all pages with this locality and assign them a new one. If you don't reassign a new locality, there is a chance that the map pin will be generated in the incorrect location.


This setting reflects the wards or districts that page authors will see on OC Elected Officials pages. You can add more options in the Enter new ward/district field and clicking Add. You can also delete our preset options by clicking on the gear icon next to the ward and selecting Delete.

This ward will also correspond with the elected official information in the My Area module.

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