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Manage the settings for custom content types

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

You need the Site Manager role to be able to do this task

You can manage settings for your custom content types from Site Management.

  1. From the main menu, go to More > Site Management > your site > Settings.
  2. Select Custom Content Types.
    The Custom Content Types tile has a page icon.
  3. Make your changes to each custom content type. (See Settings below for more information.)
  4. Save your changes.


Authors must comment upon publishing? Select this option to make it mandatory for authors to add a comment about their changes to these pages before they publish them.
Feedback form

Choose how feedback forms are treated:

Disabled: Feedback forms will not be available for these pages.

Enable (Show on page by default): The feedback form will be available for authors to choose on these pages, and when creating a page, it will be shown automatically.

Enable (Hide on page by default): The feedback form will be available for authors to choose on these pages, but when creating a page, it will not be shown automatically.

Form to use for feedback If you have multiple page feedback forms, select which one to use for these pages.

Page discussions

(Community Engagement module)

Choose how page discussions are treated:

Disabled: Page discussions will not be available for these pages.

Turn on and use site-wide setting (show on pages by default): This is the default status you've chosen for page discussions at a site level (Settings > Page Discussions > Site-wide setting). With this option, page discussions will either be available or not available for authors to choose on these pages, depending on the option you've chosen.

Turn on and show on pages by default: Page discussions will be available for authors to choose on these pages, and when creating a page, it will be shown automatically.

Turn on but hide on pages by default: Page discussions will be available for authors to choose on these pages, but when creating a page, it will not be shown automatically.

Page subscriptions

(Subscriptions module)

Choose how page subscriptions are treated:

Disabled: Page subscriptions will not be available for these pages.

Turn on and use site-wide setting (show on pages by default): This is the default status you've chosen for page subscriptions at a site level (Settings > Page Subscriptions Site-wide setting for pages). With this option, page subscriptions will either be available or not available for authors to choose on these pages, depending on the option you've chosen.

Turn on and show on pages by default: Page subscriptions will be available for authors to choose on these pages, and when creating a page, it will be shown automatically.

Turn on but hide on pages by default: Page subscriptions will be available for authors to choose on these pages, but when creating a page, it will not be shown automatically.

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