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About the Development Applications Module

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The Development Application module allows you to display development applications for your city or council. The module uses the OC Module Interface content type to list development applications and the OC Development Application content type to provide extensive details about the application.

See it in action: check out the development applications listing page and development application page on our demo site.

example of a development application listing page with current and past applications

There are three templates available for this module, and which one you use depends on how you want to structure your development application listing. You can list past and current applications on one page, list past and current applications on separate pages, or use all three listings. All listings will show the application title, summary, location, display date, number, and status.

Please note that this module is for listing existing development applications; it does not include a way for your community to submit applications. If you want to develop a tool for application submissions, please look into OpenForms and use OpenForms with OpenCities

Create a Listing Page

This module comes pre-installed on main sites and can be manually installed on subsites and intranets. Because it's pre-installed on main sites, the listing pages will already be created. However, if you accidentally delete them, you can recreate them.

development application listing pages in a site tree

  1. Right-click in the site tree where you want to create the listing page(s), then select Create Page.
  2. Choose OC Module Interface as the content type.
  3. Select your template from the Template Name drop-down menu.
  4. Fill out the necessary page fields.
  5. Publish your page

Create a listing page for both the current and past applications if you want to, then make sure you update the settings for these pages in Site Management.

Development Application Listing Templates

There are three templates available for the Development Applications module:

OC Development Applications:

  • Lists all OC Development Application pages on your site.
  • Stream layout, displaying application title, number, location, display date, summary, status, and image.
  • A search function on the right
  • 2 WYSIWYG content areas
  • Organized by display date, from most to least recent (past dates before future dates)
example of a development application listing page with current and past applications

OC Development Applications - Current:

  • Lists all current OC Development Application pages on your site.
  • Stream layout, displaying application title, number, location, display date, summary, status, and image.
  • A search function on the right
  • Displays a link to the past applications listing page under the search function.
  • 2 WYSIWYG content areas
  • Organized by display date, from soonest to latest upcoming date
example of a development application listing page with current applications

OC Development Applications - Past:

  • Lists all past OC Development Application pages on your site.
  • Stream layout, displaying application title, number, location, display date, summary, status, and image.
  • A search function on the right
  • Displays a link to the current applications listing page under the search function.
  • 2 WYSIWYG content areas
  • Organized by display date, from least to most recent
example of a development application listing page with past applications

Please note that development application pages are listed on the current and past listings pages by display date. Although you can add a time to these dates, the entry will switch between listings once the assigned date has passed. This means if you have an application set to display until the 31st of October, it will switch to the past listing at midnight on the 1st of November.

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