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Create or Update a Combined Calendar

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

This task is for users with the OC Calendar Manager role.

A combined calendar is several previously created calendars grouped into one so that all occurrences are shown on the same calendar. You must assign each calendar a specific label and color to define them for a combined calendar.

Example of a combined calendar

Your community can see all this information at once and filter by the individual calendars. In the video below, we created a combined calendar displaying the different meeting types. A site visitor would filter the calendar to see only one kind of meeting or see them all at once.

See How it's Done

This video demonstrates how to create a combined calendar to show when the different city or council meetings are happening. The calendar is based on the content type OC Meeting, and the meeting types are distinguished by adding a corresponding content label to individual OC Meeting pages.

How to Create a Combined Calendar

Before creating a combined calendar, you must make all the individual calendars you want to merge. In the example above, two separate calendars were necessary before we could combine them into one.

Once you have created your calendars:

  1. From the main menu, go to More > Calendars.
  2. Select Combined calendar from the left-hand menu.
  3. If you're editing a combined calendar, select it from the list. If you're creating a new one, select Create combined calendar.
    create combined calendar button in the calendar menu
  4. Give your calendar a descriptive Name. You will use this name when you are adding the calendar to a page.
  5. Give your calendar a Description. This is for internal purposes, so your colleagues know what content is on the calendar.
  6. Choose the calendar you want to include from the Include these calendars drop-down menu and select Add. Repeat this step until you've added all the calendars you need to.
    a gif of calendars being selected for a combined calendar
  7. You can change the order of the calendars by dragging and dropping them in the list. If there are multiple items on the same day, items from the calendar at the top of this list will display first.

Add Your Combined Calendar to a Page

Once your calendar is ready, you can add it to any page with a WYSIWYG Editor. We recommend embedding your calendars on OC General pages with the Full Width Without Image template, which will give you the maximum amount of space for your community to view the calendar.

  1. In the site tree, navigate to the page you want to add the calendar to or create a new one.
  2. Select Update if the page has been published and open the WYSIWYG Editor.
  3. Select the Insert Calendar tool from the WYSIWYG Toolbar.
    the insert calendar icon in the editor toolbar
  4. Choose your combined calendar from the drop-down list, and it will appear as a green widget box in your body content.
  5. Select Save Content and Close to exit the WYSIWYG Editor and Publish your page.

Make sure you check out the live version of the page to make sure the calendar is appearing correctly. If it's not, double-check the steps you took to create your calendar and submit a ticket if you're still having problems.

Please note that if any pages that you're targeting with your calendar are hidden from search, they will not display in the calendar. To check this, go to the Settings tab of the page and make sure that the Hide this page from search box is unchecked.

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