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About the Subscriptions Module

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The Subscriptions module lets your community subscribe to the content they're interested in. They can subscribe to pages or a search result to stay updated on any changes made to your site. Subscriptions are automatically installed on main sites, intranets, and subsites. The module offers two subscription options:

  1. Page subscriptions: members of your community can subscribe to a page and receive an email whenever the page is updated. An email will be generated when a content author Publishes a new version of the page and checks the Notify Subscribers box. Please note that this option relies on a content author to Update the page and will not notify subscribers of dynamic content changes such as content lists.
  2. Search subscriptions: visitors can subscribe to a listing search or a specific keyword search for a listing. Subscribers will automatically get an email updating them if a new page that matches their search subscription is added to the listing, or an existing page gets updated. This email will be generated daily at 1:30 am in your local timezone.

See it in action: Check out a page subscription and search subscription on our demo site. 

Search subscriptions must be turned on or off for the entire site. They are a great option for council or city meetings or news listings. Community members can subscribe to search categories on the meetings and news listings to receive automatic updates when new pages are added.

After being turned on site-wide, Page Subscriptions can be enabled or disabled in the Site Management settings for each module. They work best for pages you intend to keep updating, like development applications or projects. They're not so good for one-off pages, like events.

A page subscription and a search subscription

What Next?

  1. Set up the Subscriptions module
  2. Manage the Subscriptions module
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