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Troubleshoot glitches

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

If you're unlucky, you might experience technical glitches in OpenCities. Are you having a problem like any of these?

  • You can’t log in to OpenCities
  • You can’t log in to a password-protected site
  • You can’t access pages in the site tree

Don't panic, there's usually an easy fix. First, get in touch with your OC System Administrator and check if there are any internal issues causing the problem.

If there don't seem to be any internal issues, your problem might be due to corrupted cookies. Corrupted cookies can occur in most web browsers. To fix them, just clear your browser’s cookies. Refresh the page, and the problem should resolve itself. If you don’t want to clear your cookies, sometimes you can get around the problem by closing the page and opening it in an incognito window instead.

If none of this works, submit a support ticket. There’s probably a deeper technical issue that we can help you with.

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