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Create an OC Department page

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The OC Department content type is used to define and present your city departments. They provide an overview of a department, including what they do, where they are and how to contact them.

The content type is structured to give you an easy formula to follow when presenting the details of your department. Department pages have dedicated fields for the important details, such as contact details, hours of operation and department head information, and a WYSIWYG Editor for any extra information.

Department page template

How to create an OC Department page

  1. Right-click in your site tree where you would like to create the page. To keep your site tree organised, create them under one central listing page
  2. Choose Create page 
  3. Select OC Department as your content type
  4. Fill in the necessary fields
  5. Add any supplementary information in the WYSIWYG Editor
  6. Publish your page

What to include on your OC Department page

Field Function
Page name Completes the unique page URL.
Department name The title displayed on listing pages, in search results and at the top of the department page.
Department summary A brief overview of the department for any listing pages and search results.
Add a feature image (recommended width 900px)

Main image for the department used on the listing page and the department page.

We recommend choosing an image that is at least 900px wide, as the image will present as a banner image below the title.

Department head
Name The name of the department head.
Add a bio A short bio of the department head. There is a limit of 400 characters.
Add a profile image

An image of the department head. The template is designed to fit a landscape image of around 480px wide. 

Contact details
Contact phone number Phone number of the contact person for the department.
Alternate phone number Alternate phone number of the contact person for the department.
Contact fax number Fax number of the contact person for the department.
Contact email Email address of the contact person for the department.
Website (starting with http:// or https://) Website URL for the department.
Contact hours The department's public contact hours.
Extra details about contact hours Any additional details you need to list about contact hours, such as public holidays, seasonal changes, or whether there are specific hours related to phone enquires or visitation.
Location details
Venue name The name of the building housing the department.
Street address Street location for Google Maps
Locality Suburb of the department for Google Maps
Postal code Post or ZIP code of the address for Google Maps
Latitude Longitude (in decimal "lat, lon" format)

The latitude and longitude to determine the department's location on a map. You can add this yourself, or it will be automatically generated from the street address when the page is published.

If your department does not have a fixed address, we recommend manually entering the lat/long for departments. This will drop a map pin at the coordinates you specify.

Note: if you are adding this manually, please ensure the 'Overwrite lat/long values when the page is published' setting is set to 'No'. Access this setting from More > Site Management > your site > Settings > Location

Supporting information
Accordion panels

Add additional content in a collapsible accordion panel by clicking the edit icon to open a WYSIWYG Editor.

Note: These accordions will appear at the bottom of the page below any WYSIWYG content.

Side panels

Add additional side panel content by clicking the edit icon to open a WYSIWYG Editor. This will fall below any contact and location details.

Note: while these side panels will normally appear in the right-hand column on a desktop or tablet, on a mobile device the side panel will appear at the bottom of the page below any WYSIWYG content and supporting Accordion panels.

Add supporting links Internal or external web links displayed in the 'Related Information' section on the page.
Add supporting documents Uploaded documents displayed in the 'Related Information' sections on the page
Add common search terms people would use when looking for this content Keywords or metadata to boost page in search results.
Content labels These labels organize your content internally (i.e. your site visitors won’t see the labels). You can also make content lists out of these labels.

An example of a department page

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