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About the Org Charts Module

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The Org Charts module is exclusive to Intranets. You can use it to display an overview of your organization's structure, including staff details and reporting relationships. The module will automatically source information from your Staff Directory to create a default org chart based on a user's profile or department. 

example of an org chart

When we install this module, we'll set up links to the default org chart on staff profile pages and the staff directory. Your intranet users can click through to staff members in the org chart to see contact details and organization structure, including the management chain.

Although we set up a default chart for your entire organization, there are aspects that you can customize, such as:

  • The default staff member
  • Where the chart ends
  • How many levels of management to show
  • How many direct reports to show

We will create your initial default org chart, but you can create additional charts for specific departments, teams, or management. If you create org charts, you will also need to create a page to house them.

See it in action: check out an org chart from our demo site.

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