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Create and Manage Org Charts

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

This task is for users with the OC Site Manager or OC System Administrator roles.

The Org Chart module can only be used on Intranets. They are used to present organizational structure to your staff members, including management chains and direct reports.

You can also create additional org charts for specific departments or teams. 

Create an Org Chart

You can create and manage org charts from Site Management.

  1. Go to More > Site Management > your intranet > Settings.
  2. Select Org charts.
    Org Charts icon in Site Management
  3. Select the Add Org Chart button.
  4. Fill out the settings for your new org chart.
  5. Select Save, then Save Settings.

You can also use this process if you ever need to Delete an org chart you have created.

Org Charts in site management

Settings for the Org Chart

Use the following information to set up a new org chart or manage an existing one:

Name This field gives the name of the org chart. It is used when adding an org chart to a WYSIWYG Editor, so it's best to make this descriptive.
Default staff member to feature

This sets the default staff member users see when viewing the org chart. Start typing a name, and this field will be pre-filled from your Intranet's OC Member list.

This could be a department manager or, alternatively, leave this field blank to make the default user the page visitor.

Make this person the top of the org chart

By checking this box, you make the Default staff member, which you selected above, the first person in the org chart.

This is useful for truncating the management chain and making department or team org charts – make the Default staff member the head of the department or team you'd like to chart and check this box.

Alternatively, by leaving the Default staff member blank and checking this box, intranet users will be shown only their direct reports, rather than the management chain above them, when viewing this org chart. This can be useful for management staff.

Management levels to show above featured staff member

Select how many levels of management are shown above the selected staff profile in the org chart.

You can select between 1-5 levels, but we recommend choosing 1-2 levels above so your org chart does not become too extensive and hard to read.

Hide direct reports behind a 'show more' button

Select how many staff members that directly report to the displayed staff profile are shown.

For large organizations with many staff members, it may be useful to limit the number of direct reports as they can be extensive.

If a limit is set, users browsing the org chart will see a "show more" prompt below the specified limit on direct reports. Selecting this prompt will expand the reports listing by this limit again.

Now that you have created your new org chart, you'll need to create a page on which to display it.

Manage the Default Org Chart

These settings can also be changed for the default org chart we created when we installed the module. If you're replacing the default org chart we created for you, then you'll need to update this setting in the Staff Directory module settings. 

  1. From the main menu, go to More > Site Management > your intranet > Settings > Staff Directory.
  2. In the Location of the org chart page field, select the page your new org chart is on by typing the Page name in the predictive text field and choosing it from the list.
  3. Select Save Settings, then Save.

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