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Add an Org Chart to a Page

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The Org Chart modules can only be used on Intranet sites. When we create your Intranet site, we'll install this module and create a default org chart that displays your entire organization and links from your staff directory and profile pages.

However, you may want to create additional org charts for smaller sections of your staff, such as specific departments or teams. Once you've created additional org charts, you'll need to create pages for them to display on. You can add org charts to any page with a WYSIWYG Editor.

department org chart

We recommend displaying smaller org charts on pages specific to the section of the organization they are relevant to, such as a department page.

To insert an org chart into a page:

  1. In the admin of the page, open the WYSIWYG Editor you want to use. This could be the main body content editor or the WYSIWYG Editor for a Supporting information Accordion panel.
  2. Select the InsertPlugins tool from the WYSIWYG Toolbar.
    insert plugins tool
  3. Select the org chart you would like to use from the Plugins drop-down menu. The org chart will be referred to as the Name you set for the org chart as you created it.
    insert plugins dropdown menu
  4. Select Save Content and Close to exit the WYSIWYG Editor, then Save and Preview your page to make sure the org chart is displaying correctly.
  5. When you're happy with it, Publish the page.

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