Featured links are styled and grouped buttons that link out internally or externally. They are helpful when guiding navigation in featured sections or listings and emphasizing links to important pages.
For example, you could use featured links to create navigation for a department page, or create links to key pages in that section of your site.
Insert Featured Links
Featured links are available for any page with a WYSIWYG Editor. To insert Featured links:
- Create or update a page using a content type with a WYSIWYG Editor and open the editor.
- Place your cursor in the body content area where you want to insert the Featured links.
- Select the Insert featured links icon from the WYSIWYG Toolbar.
- Use the Insert featured links menu to create your links.
- Select Insert to place your links in the body content.
- Select Save Content And Close to exit the WYSIWYG Editor after editing.
- Publish your page.
Featured Links Options
These are the options for inserting Featured links:
Field | Function |
Link Name |
The name of the link which is displayed in the styled button on the live page. You can also use the content selector icon to navigate and link to an internal page. Selecting a page using this option will autofill the Link Name field. |
Link URL | The URL that the link points to. If you use the content selector in the Link Name field, this field will autofill. |
New Window | Check this box if you want the link to open in a new window of the user's browser. |
Add More Links | Use this button to add featured links. You can use the four arrows icon on the left side of the Link Name to reorder your links if necessary. |
Title | Add a title above your featured links block. |
Title level | Select a heading level if you have added a title. |
Show as |
Select a layout option for the featured link block. The darker box represents the Title if you added one, while the remaining boxes represent the layout of multiple links. There are four layout options; ensure you use the right layout to fit your page. |
Once inserted, your Featured links will appear in the WYSIWYG Editor as a green widget. You can edit your links by right-clicking on the featured link widget and selecting Edit featured links, or by selecting the widget and using the Insert featured links icon.
Style Featured Links
This task is for users with the OC Site Designer role.
You may need to change the colors and styling of your featured links.
If you need to edit the styling of featured links, go to More > Theme Management > your theme > Styles > Common Elements.